Candela: The one I want at my side while battling post apocalyptic cybernetically enhanced bandits. If a torrid affair develops, so much the better.
It would take a pretty special Pokemon to get me to stop watching Beyonce and focus on tossing pokeballs.
You also can use Magikarp to power level a gym very quickly.
Just a note on Pokevision. There is a theory about how it actually works. It’s believed that before a Pokemon shows up on Pokevision, someone playing the game has to have actually seen it.
I’m curious how they are making those amazing weapon replicas! Are they hand crafting those or are they drafting the parts in 3D and then printing them?
This leads to an interesting dilemma with SDCC starting up this week.
To clarify the Lucky Egg trick when power leveling, you want to save all of the Pokemon that take only 12 CP to evolve. That’s three of them, Pidgey, Caterpee and Weedle. Catch everyone of these that you can and hold onto them.
If Niantic wants to give me good compensation for the downtime, I’d gladly accept a second permanent incubator.
Important tip on Incense.
Regarless of the reliability, the belief in the polygrath is a perfectly good reason to insist on the test if I am falsely accussed. If I know I’ve been falsely accused, then the person accusing me obviously knows this as well (especially in cases where there are vindictive reasons for the accusation). So, if I insist…
There have been a lot of he said / she said harassment cases in the news in recent years. And while I believe that victims of sexual harassment should always be taken seriously, what I don’t understand is this...
1: The Pokemon Go players were not on his property. He had no right to confront them.
And here is a perfect example of the difference between Islam and just about every other major religion.
Area 51 should be swarming with Clefairy and Clefable.
Most of the gyms in my area are landmarks, not businesses. There’s even a gym at a Frisbee Golf hole in one of the local parks. I’m sure the actual Frisbee Golf players love that...
Maybe things are a bit more chill in my neighborhood. There’s some spirited banter between factions at times, but I’ve never seen anything I’d call hostility, and gym across from my house sees more combat than the Battle of the Somme.
I’ve got a wife and three kids and we’re all playing together now, though on different teams in most cases. Here are some tips from my experience.
I chose Valor because that was the consencus pick of my office, and it makes it easier for us to defend the local gym (which is literally a 60 second walk from my desk).
It’s 11:30PM where I am, and yet, a war rages as I type this for my local gym while down the street, all three Pokespots at the park have active lure modules in them and a solid group of enthusiastic players ranging from teens to folks in their late 40's.