
Not a Photoshop guru by any stretch of the imagination but this one seemed obvious.

Team Valor. I picked it because that was the consensus of my office mates. We’re currently leveling up and holding the gym by our office. Meanwhile, I’m the leader of my local gym. Mind you, these things are very fluid. The gym near my house changes hands multiple times per day. But that’s part of the fun.

Honestly, I think they have exceeded the look of the in-game asset on this one. This is fantastic!

I can’t help but wonder what percentage of the entire population of Iceland is in this crowd.

20 days for the Chinese Government to look them over.

I suppose he could have surrendered...

First and foremost, fantastic work! Truly exceptional.

I’d like to pick a rider/team to root for but I’m a bit behind the times.

Asheron’s Call had some great things. The refreshing change of not having outdoor zones (After playing EQ 1), the fact that the devs put in new content every month without fail. The fact that the Devs actually logged in and got involved in events. The fact that the world frequently changed, with the seasons or

Respect. I have yet to find an MMO that can hold my attention for that many years. I put serious time into UO, EQ 1, AC 1, DAoC, CoV and WoW. Most didn’t hold my attention more than a year or two, WoW being the exception at 4+ years, and that was mainly due to an excellent guild. Once the guild dissolved, I moved on.

And as usual, China will do nothing about this.

I absolutely agree. I want to see real people in costumes at events I can attend.

When your “fan-made” costumes have a crew-size, budget and level of talent exceeding similar work in some professional films, it almost seems like you need a different term for it than cosplay.

Hoping to get started on Stellaris this weekend!

Logged in to Steam.

If you your present self could talk to your past self, what advice would you give yourself about The Last Guardian, based on what you’ve learned?

Growing up in Queens in the 1970's I got hooked on soccer going to New York Cosmos games. Pele, Franz Beckenbaur, Giorgio Chinaglia, Carlos Alberto. How could I not fall in love with the sport?

I’ve been an Iceland supporter ever since Pollaponk played Eurovision 2014 so this is exciting news!

If that’s true they shouldn’t have been given the chance to quit, they should have been banned at the very least, possibly tossed in jail.

Reading Dr. NerdLove makes me thankful that I went to college, got a career and found love and marriage all before the onset of social media.