
World of Tanks. I’ve been working my way up the British TD line and I’m currently on the Tier VII Challenger, one of the worst TD’s in the game. Another weekend of bouncing shells off of higher tier heavies with the same gun I’ve had since my Tier V Archer and I should be able to upgrade to the Tier VIII Charioteer.

And this is why I stopped going to E3 years ago and stick with GDC now.

Do contact sparring with blackbelts half your age and two stripes higher than yourself and try and match their pace. Rinse repeat until your ACL snaps like a frayed guitar string.

I’m curious if any of the Russians arrested even had tickets to any of the games? I’m betting they were sent to France specifically to do what they are doing.

Perhaps they should wait until Canadian teams start making it to the NHL playoffs again before creating a new Canadian team.

I’ve been a Sharks fan literally from day 1. I was at the Cow Palace when they had their first Franchise victory and have supported the team ever since.

I’m all about Water starters. Always have been.

Glad to know you are one of those exceptional parents who has 100% control over your children every second of every hour of every day and thus are qualified to pass judgement here.

“We are very pleased to welcome you and to pool your talents with ours, so that together, we will be a stronger presence on the worldwide entertainment market.”

At last!

I’ve been watching the Sharks since their first home win in the Cow Palace. They’ll continue to be my team as long as either the franchise or I still exist.

The fire kitten is going to be the most popular I’m certain.

Another new Nintendo gaming device and once again, as they have since the days of the N64, the internet rises up to declare the impending doom of Nintendo.

While the Team USA designs aren’t great, none of the other nation’s depicted in the article are any better in my opinion.

This won’t fit the established narrative of the article or most of the comments but the Wii U is my favorite console of the current generation.

I’ll know it’s a proper WOT comic book when one of the characters refers to an enemy artillary barrage as “Sky Cancer”.

I’ve worked with producers for 26 years. I’ve even been one at times, though my primary discipline is design.