Or that’s one of the many city sized ships that crashed in the first film and people just built/re-built a city in and around it.
Back in the 1980’s when I was playing Wizardry and Lode Runner on my Apple II, my mother berated the amount of time I spent playing video games. How was I going to support myself, or amount to anything really, playing games all day?
I’ve been an early adopter of “next gen” consoles dating back to the Atari 2600.
Let’s not forget that social media is making the situation worse.
What will likely happen: Roman Reigns beats Kevin Owens in the final round of the tournament but is nearly unconcious himself. Sheamus runs in and cashes in his Money in the Bank briefcase and becomes the champion.
I’m surprised they didn’t just declare her inhuman.
I’m sorry sir, unless you pre-ordered a trip to the police station, there’s nothing I can do.
Downloaded it and starting playing and I have to agree with the general consensus here.
So, this is has been going on since 2000. And you are telling me not a single former Patriots player, NOT ONE, has ever come forward to substantiate any of this?
I walked into Game Stop to buy the Burning Crusade expansion for WoW the day it hit the shelves. They had about 50 right behind the counter and who knows how many more in storage. The store was empty except for me and the sales clerk.
So the moon being shattered makes Earth’s gravity fluctuate?
Funny thing about Blitz: The League. Most think the game was created because of EA’s exclusive deal with the NFL. That is not the case. The League was already in development for more than half a year when the EA/NFL deal was announced. Midway had gotten tired of the NFL forcing them to take more and more of the fun…
Gronk playing Half Top was my favorite part. He’ s just playing a slightly enhanced version of himself.
When your costume is created by an entire crew of super talented people with considerable time, money and resources available to them and the end result exceeds the efforts of many Hollywood productions, is it still Cosplay?
This is fantastic! I was emotionally invested in dogs vs. cats (team dog, of course), less so in the rollercoaster vs. waterslide and hotdog vs. marshmallow splatfests. But Autobots vs. Decepticons? I’m all-in!
So, Geno gets sucker punched by a linebacker. Proof positive the guy can’t read a defense?