I left of my own accord, after being recruited away by a friend at another company. I’m still good friends with many of my former co-workers, including former bosses.
I left of my own accord, after being recruited away by a friend at another company. I’m still good friends with many of my former co-workers, including former bosses.
Each of these gets a portion of my attention on any given evening.
I’ve worked for Zynga. I’ve also spent time working for PC and console companies. Zynga was one of the best employee experiences I’ve had. Say what you want about how they make their games, but they treated us well. They also had easily the best medical coverage of any game company I’ve worked for.
Cut a deal with Nintendo.
I’ll just leave this here...
I really love this game.
It’s Wednesday and I’m going to stop by the comic shop to pick up Archie?
At least she plays for England and not Columbia.
Unfortunately, all of those QA guys who identified these issues over a year ago are probably being fired now by managers claiming QA never let them know how bad the situation was.
Every so often, a hardware system has a “killer app” that makes purchasing the hardware worth it.
It’s simple really. If you want to continue to display your flag proudly, don’t lose a war.
Having read the Wells report, I can’t understand how it ever got this far. The so called incriminating texts not only fail to provide evidence of cheating, they actually exonerate Brady.
If I’m being honest, the game looks like a mess. The creature, the boy and the environments all look like they were created by diffrent groups that have never had a joint conversation about the art direction for the game.
If you want a non-toxic environment in a team PvP game, I suggest Splatoon. Not having chat and limiting games to three minutes helps a ton!
No so much a rage quit as an epiphany. I was playing the original Everquest. I can’t even remember what the zone was called, but my companions and I were farming for some sort of rare quest item. It was a typical EQ1 encounter. Fight for 30 seconds, then wait a half hour for the respawn, then fight another 30 seconds.…