
I don’t discount the value of Amibos as action figures. That’s pretty much all my kid uses his Pikachu for now. But we already have a ton of Pokemon PVC figures and they are considerably less expensive than $10 a pop (you can get them in bulk on ebay or at your local flea market).

Amazing work! I wonder how many people were on the team that put this together?

My wallet would prefer buying a complete game. That’s how I purchased games, computer or otherwise, for nearly 40 years. But that’s not the reality we live in now.

Customization. That was the key selling point of the Amibos from a game play standpoint. They emphasized the fun of training your Amibo to your personal specifications. They glossed over the fact that this was just training the CPU, not a custom version of a favorite character you could use against your friends.

I’m not saying I think the characters should stay locked until I buy the figure, though I would have understood if they had gone with that business model, considering the success that Activision and Disney have had.

My nine year old bought a Pikachu Amibo for use with Smash Brothers, in spite of my warnings about how they work. He simply refused to believe they were mostly useless.

I’ve been through far too many crunch cycles over the years, times where I would put in 6-7 day work weeks, working until the early hours of the morning every day, for months at a time.

In the old SSI “Gold Box” Dungeons and Dragons games, you could hire mercenaries that were higher level than your character and far better equipped.

I’ll have to snag this game before I go to San Diego Comic Con in July. SDCC is insane when it comes to street passes. In previous years, I’ve gotten dozens in minutes, hundreds in a single day. I hung out in the Nintendo pavilion at the Con for a bit and managed to fill my Animal Crossing model home area with some

How do you play a game like Candy Crush “all day”? Those games are tuned, at least at the higher levels, to have a very low chance of success per level attempt, requiring players to either take a break until their energy renews or pay to get more energy. It doesn’t matter how good you are at the game, you are going to

So, this weekend, I was thinking about this post and how I regretted no longer having my Shiny Sharpedo (it was many years ago and he did not follow me through all the transfers). So, I set out to reclaim my long lost friend, or at least a reasonable facsimile.

I've been playing since the Red/Blue days and I've been fortunate to get a few shiny Pokemon over the years. But you never forget your first. And the first Shiny Pokemon I captured in the wild was Sharpedo.

So, I’m guessing no Marvel, Star Wars or anything else Disney in this game. Can’t imagine Disney willingly helping an Infinity competitor.

Fantasy Life 2 on mobile? Most likely with micro-transactions? Pay close attention, Level-5

So, I’m a fan of the Smash Brothers franchise and love playing the game(s) with friends and family, but I just don’t get the appeal of Amibos. Unless I’m missing something, you can’t play as your Amibo. You train them and then include them in a game as a CPU opponent or ally. If I could actually customize the move set

I play both Diablo III and Path of Exile, and honestly, I like Path of Exile better.

I don't mind the Superman Punch as long as he ditches pantomiming a pump action shotgun with his arm (I think they may have already figured out this was a terrible idea).

Even as green as he is, Reigns would work if they simply let him play the neutral bad-ass, willing to take out anyone in his way, Face or Heel, with extreme prejudice. Attempting to make him into a by-the-numbers Face just isn't cutting it.

I was in the "Friends and Family" Alpha for WoW back in late 2003/early 2004, so by the time the game released in Fall 2004, I had a pretty good idea of how to navigate the lands that existed at the time.

I recall there was a brief but glorious moment, right after flying mounts were added to the game, when polymorph worked on mounted enemies. Sheep rained down from the skies for a few days before they patched it.