
One more WoW troll tactic I remember pulling off. It's been years and the details are a bit fuzzy, but it went something like this... and LEGO need to cut a deal.

I don't normally troll, but the few times I have, it's been in World of Warcraft.

I've been thinking about experimenting with how much of the Pokedex I can complete starting with a fresh save, catching the first thing I find in the tall grass and then doing nothing but Wonder Trading over and over.

Came here to make sure you had the fight between Jackie Chan and Benny the Jet from Meals on Wheels/Spartan X on the list. I was not disappointed.

Alrighty, I'm going to stick to my own personal timeline and not change any world events.

What's really missing from MK8 is this...

1: Go to Island

Would buy this in a heartbeat for my [cough] kids. I know I am not alone in this.

Scientist: Reed Richards

I've played the majority of these games and I'd add Fantasy Life to the list. Easily in my Top 5.

Not that it will ever happen, but I'd love to see a re-mastered WWE All-Stars with an updated roster. No offense to 2K's offering, but I'll take arcade style, over the top pro-wrestling over a wrestling simulator every time.

Always nice to get a preview of popular SDCC 2015 Cosplay a few months early.

I didn't notice it mentioned in the article but how do TM's work in Alpha/Omega? Is it the new method (X&Y), where they are re-useable or old-school where each can only be used once?

I've been working in the game industry for 24 years. Longer if you include paper and pen RPGs. I've seen every variation of job loss you can imagine. I've been laid off. I've been part of a studio closure. I was once one of five survivors out of 60 that got picked up by another studio as a team. I've had times

I cosplay and so does my daughter. Why do we do it? First and foremost because it's fun to put together the costumes and hang out with other costumed folks. Secondly, it's a way for us to show off our love for various movies or shows, much like a sports fan wears a jersey with their favorite player's number.

Games where I can get in, play for a little while, be satisfied and then get back to sleeping and recovering from my cold. Animal Crossing New Leaf, World of Tanks, and Path of Exile come to mind.

Most excited I've been for a DLC pack in long time!

I love Skyrim. Love it. One of my favorite games of all time. But 11,817 hours? There are only 8765.81 hours in a year. That's close to a year and a half of play time, 24/7/365. Now mind you, I don't know how much of that is just the game on idle, standing in place in Whiterun, but regardless, that's impressive,