
So, why DOTA 2 over LOL? I don't play either but I've seen the reported stats on number of concurrent players, number of people watching the money tournaments, etc and it seems like LOL is far ahead in just about every statistic other than prize money available. Is DOTA 2's position on the list personal opinion or

So, they're basically space trash collectors? Why not call in a team of experts?

While not part of the mod community, I work in the industry and have, on a few projects, been the dev-side point of contact with the community. Here are the rules I made for myself, and passed on to co-workers in similar positions.

So, is E3 fully open to the public now, or are these industry folks cosplaying?

I've been in the game industry over 20 years. I've experienced or witnessed just about every variation of layoff, studio closure and studio merger you can imagine.

Seems to me there is a simple 2 step solution for Facebook:

Wii Fit Trainer uses Strap On

Not going to post the obligatory picture of Philip J Fry, but seriously LEGO, make this happen!

Once upon a time you might have been able to make the argument that console games were in someway morally superior to the "racket" that is F2P games, but these days, with most hit console games, you end up spending $60.00 up front for a portion of the game and have to spend more on the DLC to get the complete

This is what I see the majority of the world doing 2 minutes after the Zombie Apocalypse is confirmed.

Hoping to see some Natalia Poklonskaya Cosplay at SDCC this summer!

Blizzard lost me to Path of Exile months ago.

So many of the things I watched in Star Trek (both TOS and TNG) growing up have become reality now, thanks to scientists and engineers inspired by those very shows.

Pac Man for the Atari 2600 (yeah, I'm old). So much hype. Such a let down.

How about a compromise? He gets his PS3 but has to spend his days in whatever Norway's equivalent of General Population is. I'm sure the other prisoners would figure out ways to "gamify" his daily life.

Heck, all they need to do is port the 15 year old Pokemon Red & Blue over to IOS and Android and they'll rake in a Hojillion dollars.

Day 1 Purchase. Make it happen Nintendo!

So, basically, standard free to play social game tournament monetization.

Cultural encroachment: Showing the Chinese people under threat from an army other than their own.