
That depends on what the definition of is, is.

Red Don.

Everybody Colludes is my favourite R.E.M. song

If the democratic candidate has spent little to no time in government, the right will say they're "inexperienced" or "unfit". If they have lots of experience, the right will say they are an elite Washington insider. Both negative connotations. It's like you can't win with these people!!

When it comes to collusion with a foreign country, he sure is no Reagan.


Saw the Swirlies a few years back and it ended around 11:00pm.
Not too bad Swirlies, you're on the right track.

Same here, that's why I try to avoid the opening band. Get there for their last song and maybe you are standing for hour to hour and 15 tops.

My wife saw Jesus and Mary Chain in a sit down venue. Problem is when they started playing everyone stood up and crowded the stage.

I mean the last time I saw Sebadoh they didn't come on until 12:30am!
What are you trying to do to us Jay and Lou??

After too many late concert nights over the last few years, I am advocating for all 90's reunion band shows to start no later than 7:30 and end no later than 9:30. Offer a package deal that includes an early bird dinner and shuttle bus that picks you up from the nearest Walmart parking lot.
This is the right thing

Cue new A.V. Club column "Hateslang"
I'll go first: can't stand "my bad". Nowhere near grammatically correct.

"Ever notice how she says 'lol' all the time?"
"I…. did pick up on that"

As a 43 year old Canadian suburbanite, my go to evening activity is watching The National at 10:00, and usually falling asleep halfway through. (Also hosing off my driveway on alternate evenings)


Including the baggy clothes of the 90's? So comfortable, not this fitted/slim nonsense.

I find those large side pockets of cargo shorts very practical. You can carry your sunglasses in there, also your crocs.

The rate of depreciation on university textbooks is worse than bloody automobiles.
Everyone knows you lose 25% once you walk out of the bookstore!

Anyone picturing Mueller at home, performing some pre-battle ritual saying "I have the powerrr!" like the opening to the He-Man cartoon? And brandishing a sword!

Well a bunch of prominent republicans are downplaying this whole thing so yeah not likely.