
Did you know that he was "Anonymous"?

I will make a plan to watch it, but I'm going to need confirmation.

….at that gentile country club

"Get the **** out of my house Larry!"

The 2000's was the era of oversize Canadian indie bands - BSS, New Pornographers and Arcade Fire. Little known fact that 1 in 4 Canadians is a member of one of these bands!

Who's Cartwright?

They sit on a chair in their front foyer, thermos of coffee and shotgun in their lap…

Hey what are we, chopped liver?
- Norway

It's insane. Sadly, if you don't already own a house, you'll probably never be able to own one.

Yes, but no one wants to live in the spacious, less densely populated areas of Canada. Unless you're a trapper by trade.

I'm sure anyone here would gladly switch out Devos for Devo as Education Secretary.

Yeah, in the 70's - early 80's it was pretty much come as you are.

Well, that's how we got Trump

Republicans: "Whew, that was close. We really have to ramp up our voter suppression program."

Yes and unfortunately that elderly demographic of voters are loyal and dependable and show up at the polls every time. I assume that's also how we got Brexit.

Works of necessity? All I can think of are emergency workers and liquor store staff.

I imagine a bunch of Ann Veals.

Smell The Tiny Glove

"I've got people… that are so good."
*does that weird hand gesture*

Mark: "C'mon it's clear."
Claudette: "What's clear?"
Indeed, Claudette didn't understand this film either.