
Bill Gates reportedly called the deal "cute".
- Colin Quinn

I remember someone making a comment that mass shooters think they're the Good Guy with a Gun.

Ah, the mythical Good Guy with a Gun. Just like that other mythical character the Invisible Hand of the Market, which will correct everything wrong with the economy if you just let it.

That was also the era of overabundance of recurring sketches, which no doubt drowned out chances for the up and comers.

Freedom Fries

To me, a 40 year old lower middle class schlub who is also fussy about sleep masks, it's a pretty relatable subject.

Perfect example of someone who maybe didn't fit there, but is killing it post-SNL. See also Jenny Slate and Michaela Watkins.

On a side note, that's a great song. It's almost power-pop.

Talk about qualified. In that last debate, when she listed her accomplishments during the past five decades, compared to Trump was up to in the same time frame. Unbelievable.

Yeah, I'd also say State of Love and Trust is arguably Pearl Jam's best song.

Sadly, if you get a very skilled defense attorney, while they are just doing their job defending their client, they can create reasonable doubt. See what happened with the Ghomeshi trial, in that case three separate victims testified, but was still acquitted. Obviously hope that doesn't happen here.

I agree, and I thank people like Seinfeld and Larry David for giving a voice to the Silent Majority.

Ooh, I would be the same way. I'd suggest pretending to be busy packing the car, always have your hands full of camping stuff. Then, boom - quick dash inside the car and you're in the clear!

He will NOT submit to forceable hugs!
(sorry if this has already been quoted)

I could see Robert Plant doing that song as well.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I like Cornell's song off the Singles soundtrack.

Is that you Scott Stapp?

So F.B.I. now stands for…

Coincidentally, that's what McDonald's new half-portion menu is called. Trying to watch your weight? Just ask them to Bono-size those fries!

November 2020: "sigh, term limits will take him down"