
"Ugh, I can't undo this knot! You've tied it Every Which Way But Loose!"

For a fee Harry Hamlin will show up and say "they don't stand a chance" and dramatically walk out.


*long pause, horrified expression*
"Oh, the cabin, right"

After Friends.

Sometime in grade school I learned the difference between weather and climate. Didn't everybody else?

Kind of gruesome, but that is so metal.

Windmill Maintenance Guy's Daughter

We'll be swimming in jobs!

Pizza the Hut

People need to learn to vote pragmatically in a 2 party system, especially when stakes is high.

"Yes, the planet got destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of value for shareholders."
- The New Yorker

And the fact that he confiscated all of our guns.

And some company just invented an alternative to batteries for storing energy. Imagine if the U.S. redirected that War on Drug/War on Countries money to investing in this stuff (retraining mining/rustbelt workers). Am I being naïve here?

Just watched that Frontline about Bannon, and if he is still running things behind the scenes, the plan is to play to Trump's base no matter what happens and no matter what the opposition says.

If you can walk across a frozen lake carrying a six pack in sneakers with worn out soles, you might be a Canuck.

My favourite Christmas song, next to Fairytale of New York.

With all the other religions out there like Hinduism, Buddhism etc. some of which have more subscribers than Christianity, how can Christians be so sure theirs is right? I mean they can't all be right, but they can all be wrong.

Is everyone sure that letter isn't satire?

Light treason.