
Heh - in the first few episodes I was getting her confused with Lisa Bonet ("is that the daughter from the Cosby Show? How is she so young still?") until I realized it was another actress entirely. I had no idea they were related but I guess it should have tipped me off.

Yeah although I'm sort of confused by that now. Wasn't the event at the school? So this community theater that was putting on Avenue Q was at the elementary school after all? Why didn't she just go the other way instead of climbing over the caution tape every time?

also S SOLD HELENA TO CASTOR. She thought she was doing the right thing/what needed to be done, sure. So did Sarah. I understand she's grieving but I'm not sure she should be up on her high horse about this.

>I don't like that Delphine/Shay are always what Cosima's stories come too.

How the hell is she going to set up this new life, though? It's not like she makes her own money…is Perry really not going to notice that she's paying rent on a new condo? Unless she's going to leave, like, tomorrow, but the therapist suggested she should set it up "just in case."

I don't really get how she's going to set up this new life on the DL, though. It's been well established that she doesn't work (isn't allowed to work!), so she doesn't have independent financial resources. And don't tell me Perry won't notice thousands of dollars disappearing every month for rent on a fancy new condo…

I see people complain about Skyler/Skylar (and misspelling character names in general) all the time and I am always baffled that people seem so confused by it. I'm pretty sure Skylar actually is a more common spelling (at least, I've known a few people named Skylar and none named Skyler, so at the very least they are

I'm so confused about the Diamondback backstory, honestly. I get that he's the illegitimate brother, but they went on and on about how Diamondback was behind framing Luke. What the hell are they talking about? All I remember is that story about them stealing a car for a joyride (and hitting a cop?), and then

I'm baffled why they even think the exploding bullet would work. In the video, it looked like it got embedded in the dude's kevlar and then detonated, but even a super-bullet would probably just bounce off Luke Cage like any other projectile. At which point it's presumably just a little bomb on the ground next to him,

I'm watching this show literally three years late (sorry) but when Phillip left the house with his luggage to go to the motel all I could think was "how much of that bag is full of disguises?"

A few weeks late, but I've wondered a few times where all these new prisoners came from all of a sudden. Like, I know MCC is motivated to fill more beds, but did another prison close somewhere for them to all show up at once?

I think the idea was the mark would think she was a salesperson, and the real salesperson would think she was the mark's wife. So she would drop the mark back at the dealership and he wouldn't think it was weird that she stayed in the car/drove away, but since the dealership thought she was the mark's wife, they would

I paused to see the rest of Taystee's questions for the library. I believe the full list was:

Your comment reminds me of one of my lingering confusions with the show, which might prove that I'm an idiot. In like the second episode of the entire show, Daya enters Aleida's cube for the first time and Maritza confronts her asking who she is. Daya says, "Her daughter. Who are you?" and Maritza replies, "Her

I've been playing a game where I try to figure out which flashback is the furthest back in time. Before this episode I thought it was probably Young Rosa, but after this it seemed like Young Healy would have to be earlier, and possibly the oldest. But then as I'm writing this I remembered about Young Claudette, which

I find Healy's simmering undercurrent of rage and contempt really chilling. Like he seems like the kind of dude that would snap and bring a shotgun to work or something.

I'm a year late in posting this (binging in advance of S4) so this comment will come out of the blue, but during that scene my Jewish boyfriend said to me, "I have chills right now because what she is saying is exactly why Judaism is important to me."

Six months later I don't know if YOU'LL ever read this, but this was discussed pretty extensively upthread. People speculated that early on in her stay Morello told people Christopher had come to visit, but no one says they actually saw him. Especially since Nikki doesn't seem to get visitors, she was just taking

Ah yeah, I know that's specifically why they made the taser comment, but I implicitly took it to also mean that if something else went wrong they could just reset the whole thing without a lot of fuss, you know? Like they were generally prepared for the possibility that there might be a hitch and had procedures for a

I posted this in a reply above (and apologies for the late reply, I just watched this last night), but I'm not sure this really breaks the story. When you see the scenes at the end of the actors prepping the audience, Tuppence Middleton says something like, "We all have tasers and we'll use them if we have to, but