
>Also, the price of a ticket is presumably well within reach of a protester, and it would only take one, acting at the right moment, to ruin an entire "performance". Since the "ride" didn't seem to have any precautions against this, we have to assume near ubiquitous approval of the "ride".

But on the other hand (and I realize your post is about a week old at this point!) I don't see how getting Kilgrave to force the ex-wife to sign would really help her. Surely when the control wears off she'd just release the incriminating evidence she has on Jeri anyway? I didn't really understand that. (I also didn't

I've never read comics, but this is something I find deeply annoying about Batman (and DD I guess). I remember playing Arkham City and having to fight Joker what seemed like dozens of times and thinking, "You know what would really speed this up is IF I COULD JUST KILL THIS ASSHOLE." But apparently Batman's morals

I'm late to this (and I have finished the series by now anyway) but I never totally understood why having Kilgrave alive would guarantee freeing Hope. I know she wanted "proof," but a few things bothered me about her plan:

This is also reflected in how Luke responded - he kept saying things like "and when you slept with me, did Kilgrave make you do that too?" So I think you are spot on.

I believe there was an episode of something (maybe Fringe?) where they pretty much did exactly this. There was some teenager with a Kilgrave-y power and the team that went in to take him down wore noise-canceling headphones that I believe could only receive audio input from someone giving orders through a microphone

It drove me COMPLETELY FUCKING CRAZY that Kalinda went to Finn for legal advice re: manufacturing evidence IN A CRIMINAL CASE IN WHICH HE WAS THE PROSECUTOR. I realize he had resigned by the time the fake evidence was created and used, but how does no one bring that up???

I thought it was going to be her candid observation that Prady was the better candidate and she was relieved to lose.

>the show has been having issues this season where they're using Peter as a villain and not as a nuanced person of say s3/s2 so she came off especially childish in this instance.

I was sort of expecting her to lose and have to learn something about herself, or something. I have always viewed the campaign as sort of a post-traumatic spiral after Will's death, honestly - I have felt for a while like she was looking for something to throw herself into and chose this, without really knowing or

I hope this is true, some of the Canning storylines have been annoying me lately. I liked him when he was ruthless when working a particular case because that just makes him seem like a good lawyer. Ever since he decided to "destroy Lockhart Gardner" he has seemed more like a mustache-twirling cartoon villain.

I remember reading somewhere that Alicia and Kalinda haven't had a scene together (as in, been on the same set at the same time) since like Season 4. They've had phone conversations, but their characters have not been in the same room - possibly some falling out between the actresses? I haven't gone back to confirm

So I actually really loved Kimmy's original "boyfriend" - Jacqueline's cute male employee who does Brock's homework, who Kimmy accidentally told she loved him. That was awkward, but I didn't think it would be awkward enough that he would completely vanish from the show.

haha I just watched that! I felt so vindicated.

I love the running gag about offering water. I think the reviewer mentioned it a few eps ago thinking it was going to be Kimmy-related, but I think it's some kind of zany rich-people gag. After Amy Sederis visits we see Jacqueline in front of her Diet Water fridge - "…did I not offer Mimi a water??"

This episode really frustrated me. I loved the style of being in Alicia’s thoughts, but until the last few minutes I thought this was going to be the episode where she realized she didn’t actually want to be SA after all. Pretty much everyone (in the audience and in the show universe!) has noticed by now that she