
Now that's just silly. If I have a girl, I will name her Amanda Bynes Jessica Parker, and if I have a boy I will name him Boyoncé.

Being turned down DOES hurt if it happens all of the time and happens in certain ways.

What are you even talking about? Sexual-desire-mismatch is universally blamed on the man being a horndog. In fact there's nothing a woman can do in a sexual relationship that isn't usually construed as the man's fault. Libido waning? Man's fault for not pitching in with the kids or chores. Sexual infidelity? Man's

Honestly, I find what works for me is an exercise known as "the touch and talk" where you block off a certain amount of time once our twice a week to touch each other affectionately, but non-sexually, and just talk to each other. It sounds stupid and, at first, it feels stupid, but after 15 minutes of just sitting

I hate this reasoning of 'it's natural, so it's ok that you behaved badly'.

This happened to my Dad when he was 2...but he didn't die. He went on to be my superhero.

Something tells me LinkedIn is not the problem in that situation you're speaking of.

"George R.R. Martin loves to hang things in the air and then subvert audience expectations. There's really no way of telling what the ultimate fate of any given character may be."

I don't know what Wesleyan's problem is - this sounds like considerably more fun than the Tour de Franzen, in which one travels around campus reading pretentious books and loudly and snobbily deriding others' choices in fiction.

She is. You just described me. My sister and mother are always howling about fat women on SYTTD, and I'm always the one asking "Do you guys talk about ME like this when I'm out of the room?"

I agree. I'm a super feminist liberal but I also study science, and we have to have studies that prove seemingly obvious things because a lot of times when we do obvious studies, the results are surprising. The researchers might have found, for instance, that women with a large ribcage but small cup size don't feel

Most men aren't rapist, so I disagree "to rape" is not much more common than "not to rape" in terms of human behavioral norms.