
I found that I was doing something similar; not boasting about my awesome life, but trying to create a public persona. I had left my career to go to graduate school studying X, and decided that I was supposed to be an "X guy" who posted news stories involving X, liked pages about X, etc.. Then I decided my fb had

I will probably be attacked for saying this, but I would probably say the same thing. I think since we have traditionally (and unfairly and cruelly) marginalized, criminalized, and stigmatized people who wish to identify outside traditional biological heteronormativity, that we should unqualifiedly support anyone who

That song instantly rocketed to number 1 most annoying Christmas song ever on my list. And that list has some stiff competition.

I had a golden retriever mix growing up and a beagle as an adult. What the golden did to the german shepherd a beagle would do to a golden. But goldens are amazing.

Speaking as a guy who has a mild preference for shaved, if you are letting us see you naked at that point we are just happy that this is happening. Honestly it's a really minor thing, think of it as akin to preferring beards on a guy over none. Yes, people have their preference but I would think most women wouldn't

Media outlets do that to every celebrity-non-celebrity marriage, though. Why is it such a big deal now?

Thank you, you said what I was trying to say, just far more eloquently.

Definitely gorgeous.

I like how these half-wits put their actual faces to these racist insults.

Being a successful anything has a lot to do with luck and timing; you can't tell me her privileged background had nothing to do with her success. Like I said there seems to be this weird status-obsession on jezebel when it comes to relationships, where you rank people according to their resumes, and I think that is

How about "Actor and Human Rights Activist Marries Defense Attorney for Mass Murderer Abdullah Senussi and Enron"? I mean, she seems quite accomplished but why is there such an obsession here with portraying her as "better" than him? It's like there's been this resentment at Clooney for years for what, not getting

I think that is harshly judgmental; I don't know these women so I am not going to speculate as to what they value or criticize their career choices.

RIght, but it's the celebrity press; we shouldn't care what they say. And it's something they do when female celebrities marry non-celebrities too.

How do you know they're "bimbos"? Because they tend to be attractive?

Why the contempt for acting? I don't think acting is inherently less noble than, say, defending Enron.

As a product of NYC public schools in Queens, I would not be surprised if every one of those teachers had a relative in the NYPD. Middle-class whites in Queens tend to be Irish and Italian where cop/teacher/nurse are extremely overrepresented in any given family. No excuse, of course.

How did I know it would be Staten Island?

This sounds like the pretextiest pretext ever pretexted.

While I agree she should not stay in contact with him, we have no idea whether he's stringing her along or emotionally two-timing his girlfriend. Maybe he doesn't consider what they're doing flirting.