Its more analogous to Harvard's open enrollment extension school.
Its more analogous to Harvard's open enrollment extension school.
Emotion doesn't enter the picture. You were suggesting cats are beneficial, I was disagreeing. The cat's motivation is irrelevant.
They also are an invasive species in the U.S. and kill billions of birds a year. The cost of that outweighs any moderate vermin control effects.
I think its a hipster failed artist thing. White suburban upper middle class kids move to NYC to make it big as writer/musician/artist, fail and move back to suburbia, but desperately want to feel like they're still bohemian so they name their kids Brooklyn.
Erosion is natural; building a seawall might prevent erosion at that location but it just usually reslts in more erosion elsewhere.
Never worn birkenstocks in my life.
Hey, if you want to wear shoes made out of dead cow skins it's all good.
Have you tried them? They're a very soft, jelly-like plastic that are nicely padded.
That's probably not the conclusion; based on the abstract the conclusions are the statistics they came up with on various aspects of sexting. The theorizing part is something behavior researchers are expeccted to throw in to show they gave some thought as to why they found what they found, and suggest/set up future…
Theynare very, very, very comfortable and you can wear them while walking through water. Not too many shoes have that combination of attributes.
If you keep someone in bomdage, then no, you don't get credit for giving them healthcare.
I think its a stretch to say thats all that people think about; the majority of commentators arepretty much g on him.
DiFranco always seemed to me to epitomize clueless white girl privilege and the lack of self-awareness so prevalent in the hipster social-justice-when-its-easy movement.
If you accept Sylvester Magee's claims to have been a slave (and there is some evidence for them), he was still alive when she was born. The last surviving child of slaves died 3 years ago.
On the one hand, research has shown that people tend to eat more calories at restaurants when told the calorie counts. On the other hand, I calorie log everything I eat so I like these kinds of laws.
I'm telling you why you should have done your PhD. If you did it because you thought it would elevate you socially, then yes, I disagree that this is the proper motivation.
Huh? I don't really agree with the proposition that women are more likely to abuse men psychologically than vice versa; I suspect the reverse is true. But to interpret the post that you're responding to as saying men are never assholes to women is frankly, bizarre. I mean, that is something beyond strawman that you're…
He was being a jerk for muttering under his breath; she was far more of a jerk for escalating, confronting, and kicking him while he was sleeping, then trying to get validation for her lousy behavior here. Interestingly you're doing the same thing here that she did in terms of attacking things that i didnt actually…
I said brilliant, not right.
So Doug Barry, a man, is making fun of a woman's views of how safe she is on the streets?