
Well that's the thing, I have never heard of a child prodigy who exponentially improved throughout life. Basically they develop fast in some area early on, but if you chart their improvement quantitatively through adulthood the slope isn't as steep as non-prodigies.

I think the theory is this kind of behavior is unconscious rather than conscious, which is why they designed the study the way they did. If they were trying to measure conscious decisionmaking they could have just asked the subjects.

Eh, Bialik at least went all in in the academia route going for a PhD. Though I still agree McKellar wins because attachmentparenting really annoys me.

I am in NYC right now, which is a bit far from Baltimore. Too bad, too, I never could resist a woman in an owl shirt.


Yes, let's! Free tomorrow night?

Creepiness PSA about South Beach you should file away:

Agreed, the tone is very confrontational, including the first paragraph. OP makes it sound like she will have zero tolerance for any kind of human weakness in the men she dates, and honestly real confidence shouldn't come off this forced.

I count a wink as first contact, personally...

Interesting...I will be honest, I am late 30's, and list an age preference of about 28-40, and tend to pursue those in the age range of 30-35, but the younger range is wider than the older, and I have gotten some grief from a female friend (and former romantic partner) over it. Frankly, 80% of that is due to the fact

If you are too well-kept in your picture, I avoid you. Tousled hair, no make-up, in sweats is more appealing.

Interesting, I hadn't realized men did that, too. Back when I was frustrated in dating and about my weight I scoured the internet for blog posts about men's weight and dating and there were a lot of female commenters on these posts saying they of course they had no problem with a guy being overweight aesthetically,

Its hard for some men to break out of the numbers game mindset but it is useful. I have about a 50% response rate from women, and its mostly because i am very selective with who I message, and I sound interested in your profile because I am legitimately interested in your profile; if I wasn't I wouldn't have messaged

Good points, I think my annoyance comes from the fact that the generic "love to travel" comes across as just an attempt to create an image. Agreed that something specific ("I love to travel to Africa, go there every year to the same village") could be very attractive. "I love my friends and family and love to

Out of curiosity, at what point does age preference become inappropriate? I mean, a guy in his 50's only looking for women 20-25 is sleazy, but is wanting (as a man or a woman) to date someone younger than you inherently bad? You can't always control what you're attracted to, and I don't think it's hypocritical for

By zero luck do you mean no responses at all, or just in general not attracting the kind of men/women you want to?

I think nothing in the dating world confuses me more than men who say they are not attracted to black women. I just dont understand how an honestly heterosexual man can say that. Oh well, less competition then.

My longest relationship was a bit over a few weeks but not much, and honestly I don't think any judgments you would make about that would be accurate.

Are you in a Bad Dating Location? They do exist, particularly in the South. I am in Miami and it is terrible, terrible, terrible for dating, online or off, unless you're an airheaded 23 year old (of either sex).

Point 1: I would totally date a woman who said her dog would always be #1 because I am dog crazy myself.