Your friends get a serial killer vibe from him and he doesn't want to fuck you.
Your friends get a serial killer vibe from him and he doesn't want to fuck you.
Jesus Christ. Really.
You sound like a great person and I wish you luck with this client and her family.
Calm yourself, Butters.
Dude just needs to relax and suck some dick.
I love this thread so damn much.
I want to hug this comment.
Gawker/Jezebel aren't news sites. They are news aggregators. That means they paraphrase just enough to satisfy the lawyers.
Better than anything I've seen you do.
It's called "acting".
I like the lacing better on the v-neck as well.
I like it.
Those mandatory registration laws are a bitch, huh?
This made me laugh for real.
I'm going full Silkwood.
I just got really skeeved out.
Oh, you know it, baby.
Dear Ben Stein,
Don't call me Shirley.
You must be new here.