I hate everyone who doesn't vaccinate their children. I firmly believe that public health trumps individual preferences in this case.
I hate everyone who doesn't vaccinate their children. I firmly believe that public health trumps individual preferences in this case.
Lol White women to the rescue, I guess then!
Doug, do you do this on purpose or do you have some sort of selective disorder that makes you incapable of making an accurate statement about the UK?
Um, not Swedish but that's how I roll. "You're dead to me", except I'll never say it to them or tell them why. If they're too ignorant or self absorbed to realize the reason or inquire as to why, then I do not care. Delete.
Dutch, Irish, Scottish - and 57 others too (most likely), and while you have to shit on me multiple times, I will eventually cut you completely out of my life with very few regrets (even if I continue to tell you off in my head every once in a while).
OMG that is me! "the Scandinavian School of Forgiveness, which is where you eliminate problems by simply coldly cutting people out of your life with no warning or explanation and then move on stoically as if nothing ever happened". I totally didn't realize it was a cultural/genetic thing. Is is wrong that I am…
I once had one of these fetuses thrown at me by anti-choice people at the Illinois State Fair. They asked me how I could possibly be pro-choice—after all, what if my mother had aborted me?
In addition to robbing sweet young girls who've been sexually molested of the thing that helps them recover, there's a lot of neocolonialism in the anti-religious atheism. "Religion" is not just the Catholic Church, or Christianity, or even the 5 major world religions. Religion includes the faiths of different Native…
She beautifully caused lots of parents to believe that the MMR vaccine causes autism because she couldn't cope with her own child's developmental issues (which turned out to NOT be autism) and now we have tons of idiots who refuse to vaccinate their kids and risk herd immunity. When it turned out that her son did not,…
Donnie stepped into the bedroom, shrugging off his leather jacket and sauntering to the bed, where Jenny lay, emitting a coy little giggle at his approach. As he slid down onto the soft, yielding mattress, she rolled onto her arched back, tingling with anticipation.
"Talk dirty to me, Donnie," she croaked.
i'm not even a little bit interested in being oppressed by your religion. been there, done that. i know what it's all about. the really dumb and imperfect thing doesn't sell me either, so i'd start leaving that out of your sales pitch. have a great weekend.
She speaks three languages and is more intelligent than 90% of White America.
I truly hope that if Zimmerman is found innocent that people RIOT in the streets.
"Jewel-eyed snow witch" was so good that I actually submitted the comment before reading the whole article — including the "1,000 ravens" line... which is top-notch as well.