
“The idea that “excessive regulation” keeps people from starting businesses is fucking nonsense.”

“They want to be seen as oppressed without actually being oppressed.”

“The Republican tendency to see themselves as victims is really adolescent”

“Obama followed the possibly worst president ever in US foreign policy.”

“Instead of morally chastising them, or berating them, talk to them. discourse. Explain why you are right.”

“The left needs its own taxpayer revolt. Every Democrat should be relentlessly hammering the idea that monopolies and oligarchs are the true enemy, and should be endlessly messaging the cost of tax breaks for corporate CEOs vs how much it would cost to have the shitty pot-holed road fixed.”

“How many times do you have to rebuild some shitty little towns before people realize that even Nature is telling you not to live there and to GTFO.”

“Living in a very deep red area I will say that Dems do need to go way more left and they(us/me) really need to explain how Republican agendas do not in anyway help these people.”

Yes. It does. You are wrong.

I wouldn’t worry about. Global Beet gives absolutely zero fucks when it comes to other people(especially white people).

Thanks for the lecture. It really helps and does not make you look insufferable at all.

You are a psycho.

I agree. I like your style of in your face racism more than the performative wokeness of the progressives.

Loan your own money out to these people at lower rates then. Good luck staying in business.

“Cap the interest rates at something profitable but not obscene and keep the fees in check.”

I’m sure Jesus would support taxes so our government can bomb the shit out of brown people.

“We already have programs to redistribute money (not wealth) and they seem to be made to keep people reliant on government support more than anything else.”

“And you know what? Not EVERYTHING is about race.”

The Ukraine is just another US proxy war with Russia similar to Syria. I’m not even taking sides. I just know that you probably don’t understand what is going on over there.

You don’t know shit about what is happening in the Ukraine.