
I don’t think many people participated in this. I work in LA on a huge construction project and had no idea this even happened.

“You’re gleefully running headlong into a society built on force of arms and unfortunately, the majority of the military is not liberal.”

“When the nation votes to take away people’s rights,”

Nice ageism. You are on a roll.

Why are you idiots buying into the anti-Russian propaganda? Do you really want another cold war?

This is rich from a guy who wrote an article claiming supply and demand was a bogus concept.

Some progressives may have good intentions, but they are economic retards.

Progressives are selfish assholes. It’s time to kick them to the curb for good.

“Let’s cut some of that egregious overspending on the military (no matter how many times Trump says it, the F-35 sucks and is a wasteful to the extreme) and give it to the states to beef up their infrastructure, which benefits everyone.”

You are dumb.

It’s more like our benevolent progressive overlords.

Sounds like you are a Nazi who supports deregulation.

I can’t believe it myself.

Wow! Are you admitting supply and demand is real? You actually might not be a retard.

Do you really think giving a Lockhead Martin executive complete control of security matters is a good idea?

I thought the same thing, but then it looks like he might add some neocons to his cabinet. The kiddies on this site have no idea they are being manipulated into supporting a new cold war. The deep state is using the anti-Trump momentum to push their agenda through.

I think most people are generally good. Just not many politicians. I also think a lot of bad stuff is done despite good intentions.

“But there’s no accounting for taste, the general audience in America considers Marvel movies to be the pinnacle of cinema at the moment.”

“I think the big difference is that the Russians don’t even pay lip service to improving the world. For all W’s faults, spreading freedom and democracy is to some degree a noble cause.”

But we want a war with Russia.