Relax. Trump is not going to nuke anybody.
Relax. Trump is not going to nuke anybody.
I agree.
Where was the alarm the last eight years?
The intent of START is to keep people like you complacent.
I’m not forgiving Trump. I think he is a moron.
I agree. I wish we could get rid of them all. It’s not going to happen though. We are stuck with the military industrial complex until everything completely goes to shit. Our economy is too reliant on it. Thousands of people would get laid off if the wars ever stopped. The retards arguing about the democrats and…
Your post is why I can’t take the left seriously. You do realize 1,500 nukes is way more than enough to destroy humanity? At least Trump is somewhat more friendly with Putin and not directly antagonizing him like Obama.
Oh no! There are plenty of unemployed people who can have jobs now.
“This idea literally just made my gasp and squee a true my shitty minimum wage job!”
Don’t forget all her bombing of Muslim countries. She was very inclusive when it came to the people she killed.
Trade wars are dumb. I will agree with you there, but the ACA is a disaster. It needs to be replaced asap.
“Maybe Democrats don’t care about me, but their agenda is significantly less likely to damage my life and the life of my friends, so I’m going to go ahead and stick with them.”
She deleted 38,000 emails and had iphones smashed. Innocent people don’t do stuff like that. She also started a war in Libya. Who knows how involved she was in Syria and Yemen. She also blatantly lied and blamed the Benghazi incident on a videotape.
It had nothing to do with her being in bed with Wall Street and foreign policy fuck ups like Libya. Ok, bro.
Calling the ACA lifesaving undermines all the other arguments. That piece of legislation is the biggest ass raping our society has ever received. Stop supporting it. I have no doubt the republicans will fuck it up also, but even the Clintons knew better than to support the ACA.
“In a perfect world, the arts would be subjective. But in the world we live in, white people and white men dominate everything while inadvertently and advertently shutting out anyone who looks different.”
What rights don’t you have that others do? The wage gap is a myth and only retards believe it exists. It has been debunked a thousand times.
I would love to see Hollywood strike. It would be the final nail in their coffin.
It’s like senior day for privileged white women.
Who is totaling the losses up? Do I need to send them my receipts?