That is their own phrasing “mostly false”. Why are you ignoring the fact that Obama and Hillary bombed Muslims in greater numbers than Bush?
That is their own phrasing “mostly false”. Why are you ignoring the fact that Obama and Hillary bombed Muslims in greater numbers than Bush?
Bullshit. Syria, Libya, and Yemen were started by Obama and Clinton. They are no different than the Republicans. This is not a football game. We cannot afford to choose teams and cheer for them like retards.
Snopes is spinning this by saying it is mostly false. There was a ban on certain types of visas. Obama also bombed the shit out of Muslims and not one protest.
Acting hysterical does not equate to having balls.
Send me a link to your “statistics”. I want context. I want details on how the study was done.
Bullshit and wages have been stagnant for years. Even the left admits this.
Ha! You buy that shit? Do you know how the unemployment rate is calculated?
Automation will make society wealthier as a whole like it has for the past century. Human desire is unlimited, so there will always be jobs.
Obama can’t really say much considering he bombed the shit out of Muslim countries and started the refugee crisis in the first place. I find it funny the left was silent while this happened. He also placed a six month ban on Iraqis immigrating to the US in 2011 which is twice as long as Trump’s ban. Again not a peep…
I am not sure who the fascists are at this point. I am seeing a lot of violence and suppression of speech from the left. They are also picking fights with foreign countries like Russian and have always been for state control of the economy. Obama dropped more bombs on Muslim countries than Bush and there was hardly…
“I’m beginning to think it’s time to take up their methods; record and dox the audience. Post pictures of them all around campus proclaiming their neo-nazi predilections. Post it at their jobs, send it to their families, plaster that stuff everywhere. For every single audience member. And make it very clear how…
The left is starting to look foolish at this point. Everyone needs to calm the fuck down and stop screaming Nazi every two seconds.
“Deep down inside, where everyone is honest with themselves, many people who would resist this sentiment would have to admit to themselves they are more interested in being able to do that than they are in fixing much of anything.”