
The cynical perspective is that EVERYONE knows how bad this was and letting McCain, a man from a purple state who has a lot of sympathy right now because of the cancer diagnoses and will not live to the end of his term, be the deciding vote to give the other 49 Repubs cover to say they did what they said they would do

Oh wow, thanks Captain Obvious. Always great when non-Germans explain my own history to me because of course I totally do not know any of this. *eyeroll

I think that was the point. I don’t understand why the military-worship has continued here in the US given the atrocities our military has committed in Iraq, often at the hands of depraved individuals.

It’s hard to feel America’s role in the last few wars it’s started has been particularly admirable either.

Dude you’re not some prophet, it was always going to shift to financials, and that doesn’t mean it’s no longer about Russia. Trump’s been in bed with these people financially since American banks stopped lending him money over a decade ago. That shit takes time to unravel, and while Trump may scream about how it’s

Sweetie, I know it feels like forever but it’s not been that long. Watergate took a long time. The Saturday night massacre was over a year after the break in.... And you’re right, it’ll turn to the financials, RUSSIAN FINANCIALS! HEYYOOOO

Holy fuck do the people who tighten the straps on your jacket before they tuck you in know where you are?

It’s probably important that you acknowledge the other half of this law as well:

Clearly what it says about you is that you do not see men and women as equals and believe expectations for men should be higher than for women. If a woman lies to her partner about being on birth control she can cause just as many damaging outcomes as a man who lies about his contraceptive use. Both deserve the same

I’m a woman and the idea of manipulating man into becoming a father seems just as bad. Maybe bc I can’t help but equate it to woman being forced to have a kid bc they are denied access to birth control.

It’s also for women who lie about being on birth control.

No, I’m sorry, we can’t attack this one. No decent person attacks White House kids under 18. (🙄 I know it happens but no decent person should do it.)

“inside an overpriced, rounded package.”

“All of them are spying on you, in one way or another.”

“while Sonos’ lineup is the preferred multi-room setup for coastal liberal elites and company bathrooms everywhere.”

“There’s no way Apple would prevent users from streaming their own tunes to the HomePod, but they did get

The worlds biggest Air Force: The USAF

If only his father had pulled out.

Dear lord, internet person. Dear lord.

Before the next time you feel like harping on “uneducated, poor English,” would you like some grammar pointers? Literally every sentence you wrote has a red flag.

The “justification” for an abortion is that the patient wants one, period. Your idea of what the “right reasons” (I can only imagine what those are in your worldview) for an abortion matter not one whit to anyone who is not you. Abortion is often PRECISELY for people who want to correct mistakes made in bed that

I’ll take “How to look stupid on the Internet for $1000", Alex.