You shouldn’t bone vampires, that’s how you get Hepatitis...
You shouldn’t bone vampires, that’s how you get Hepatitis...
I’m white, and I can guarantee you that I don’t do this. But hey, way to make sweeping statements about an entire race while decrying racism...
And “the Apprentice” :)
That’s ok. However, shouldn’t it be typing angrily instead of angry?
I didn’t mean to talk down to you, sorry if it came across as such. I’m not a tenured prof, though I did work on a phd for 4 years and you wouldn’t believe how many times these little moments come up where even very educated people use the sort of language that’s completely inappropriate for the sort of theories…
Don’t do that, though. Attributing agency to nature (or evolution for that matter) is an often-made but very serious mistake in the field of biology (and physics). Of course, in philosophy or religion classes you’re welcome and even invited to make an argument for agency for either or both. In the “material sciences”…
you’d need at least half a brain for remembering, I suppose
I’m not a native English speaker, but I’m genuinely curious now: shouldn’t it be “I and Velma went to the club” instead of “me and Velma”? Since it’s short for I [went to the club] and Velma went to the club; with both “I” and Velma being the subject? Contrast this to “the club was frequented by Velma and me” since…
You remind me of Sweet Dee somehow...
The “justification” for an abortion is that the patient wants one, period. Your idea of what the “right reasons” (I can only imagine what those are in your worldview) for an abortion matter not one whit to anyone who is not you.
If they used condoms but the condom broke, would it then be justification for abortion?
no, a planeswalker comes into play with a number of tokens on it. These are considered “life points” in the same way the player has them. You can see the number of tokens right below. You can change the number of tokens by using its abilities, but they can never drop below zero or the planes walker dies
I said nothing about MLK so I don’t know how relevant that is.
I’ve seen this sort of reply several times here. I actually greatly prefer his openness to your sort of “drop him, run, change your number”-mentality. He clearly mentions it when you’re talking about fantasies. There is no significant correlation between rape-fantasies and actual rape. There is however a significant…
haha, good luck finding a man then...
Good to know you’re the definitive standard of the BDSM community. Pretty deeply involved in the community too here, and I’m pretty sure that when you’re both talking about fantasies with a partner you had sex with a couple of times it’s pretty ok to mention it. If you’re developing a maybe-relationship, when’s a good…
It is sadistic/rapey, but we’re talking about fantasies here. He has these fantasies and obviously he’s talking about it because he wants consent. If you’re not into it, he won’t do it. that in itself is antithetical to rape. So don’t worry, and be glad that he trusts you enough to tell you “dark secrets” and that you…
Are you really making up arguments now?
Apparently courts decided the biker didn’t do anything illegal since the car went below the minimum speed; so it was ok to pass him.
Even worse, dictators create the law and so can’t really be assholes according to his logic...