
Haha cool, I’m white and gay and had the exact same response to him! :)

Swinton is Scottish :p

Being gay I can’t disagree with you enough. The amount of times people come to me as the Only Gay They Know is pretty high as well. But I suck it up because how else are they going to know? Where are they going to find out? You think societal change happens because the oppressor somehow “finds out themselves” that

And Cho could have responded exactly that; instead she pretended to be all helpful and then ran off to be two-faced about it...

read the mails (she responded); cho twisted the story completely

Only, that’s not at all how it went, Swintons side of the story (you know, the one with actual evidence) shows it went down completely differently. But yeah, quell surprise, a rich white person can’t do anything right...

You being an autodidact means absolutely nothing to me. I learned a ton about a ton of topics on the internet as well. And I spent nine years (bachelor + master + phd) of my life studying a single topic (psychology) in an academic setting. What I got away from all that? That no way in hell could I ever have learnt all

It’s weird, the opening sequence was one of the best movie sequences I’ve ever seen. But then the movie collapsed like most of my cakes do in the oven... I’m literally ashamed for having bought this movie, but I couldn’t not buy it given that opening sequence...

Now playing

Crysis 2 did this in 2010 with their “New York” trailer... Hauntingly beautiful trailer because of the music...

Black still suits would actually make a great deal of sense. It’s true that black absorbs heat more than, say, white; but that goes two ways: it warms you faster due to the heat of the sun, but it also doesn’t reflect your body heat back to your body as much. If there is no wind, lightly colored clothes are better to

Or I went through a lot of the same and did something different and ended with my soul intact.

“These are man-children who need a loaded gun on them to feel secure in towns where the populace are 95-99% white.”

By selecting the wrong information, she thought anti-vaccine beliefs were “science”. That’s not holding conflicting beliefs in the way Festinger meant it...

nobody expects you to just trust experts, but they do trust you to have acquired a skeptical mind. Which means when someone challenges accepted beliefs, you know to not just abandon the accepted belief but demand proof. And you know to balance their so-called proof with established knowledge in a matter that at least

that’s not cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is when you hold two conflicting beliefs or act in a way that conflicts with beliefs.

Damn the coverage of gizmodo on the new iPhone is really, really bad. So many articles with seemingly interesting titles but just complete and utter crap instead of a real article. Did your editors go down with gawker?

Your story should be an inspiration to people. Amazing power to you! You’re a better man than most...

Justice has never been dealt by angry mobs. This is what the justice system is for; impartial people looking at the case and passing judgement based on a system of laws and earlier judgements. Not a bunch of random angry people who raid something in the paper or saw something on the news.

I still have soundsticks 1 and soundsticks 2 here. I love them dearly. Came here to post those. They’re from back when Jonathan Ive still made exciting and new things instead of iterating closer to “no design at all” with every new generation of products...

I still have soundsticks 1 and soundsticks 2 here. I love them dearly. Came here to post those. They’re from back

I seriously didn’t see it as a cheat. Like some other players here I live in a rural area. My city friends walk a couple of blocks and find more pokemon than poke vision could find in my village and my three neighboring villages combined at any given time. If you don’t live in a big city the game is truly ridiculous.