Constellation 2.0

I’m truly sick of this shit. You exclude Black people, then when we turn around and form our own events, groups, and societies with our own cultural practices and traditions, you scream, cry, and curse. It’s painfully obvious that you love it when Black people are isolated from their own community. Which is why

I wouldn’t say “desperate search” so much as, “don’t be shocked when they find the legal loophole related to x

Standard wypipo response: There must be more to this story

Cool, way to make this all about you and your feelings. Yeah, don’t express anything related to the victims. Nah, then you’d be hiding your whitewashing narcissism.

Dude thought he was slick, but as we all know, karma is a bitch. Eventually the universe will come for Justin Timberlake’s trash ass, too.

The onus is not on black people to fix white people’s bullshit

Someone has to explain to me how those systems and institutions and people allowed a black man to be elected twice. 

We can’t protect ourselves. We can’t protect our sisters from the men that hurt us. We can’t go to the police, we can’t use whisper networks.

You can start with three, off the top of my head:  you can read the original The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, you can read For Colored Girls Who’ve Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf by Ntozake Shange, and - despite the disdain that has rained down on Julie Swetnick because her claims aren’t what men

Yet they will absolutely trip over themselves orgasming about the cast of Crazy Rich Asians... and proceed to name half of them incorrectly.

Why does no one at Jezebel understand how Asian name order works? Fan Bingbing’s last name is Fan, not Bingbing. Referring to her as Bingbing is like writing about George Washington and calling him George all the time. It’s just weird and incorrect. Jezebel has never been very good at reporting on international news

To be honest, this is the case no matter the color of the applicant.

Doubly coward because he still hasn’t apologized to Anita Hill. he keeps talking about Anita Hill and how much he regrets it, but he won’t actually talk to Anita Hill. Pure hypocrisy.

Even Clinton herself.... the commentary went from “wow, I can’t believe she was so strong during hours and hours of grilling through the Benghazi hearings. How impressive” to “well, she is pretty old, and I just don’t know if she is strong enough to be president” in record speed.

That’s a part of structural and institutional racism that “progressives” don’t necessarily notice ... which is all the more powerful for being so invisible. Even when pointing out the blatantly racist and offensive things white people do, they still fail to focus on the positive things that people of color do, so the

Especially since I’m sure lots of viewers’ response to Dr. Ford’s invoking the hippocampus was, ‘What do hippos have to do with anything?!’

If she wasn’t such a demur woman; if she had presented herself hostile in the slightest they would have a different story to tell. None of them have said they don’t believe her - or at least that SHE believes it. This is the reason they didn’t want her and others to testify; why they didn’t want to do the additional

I remember all too well the Senate cabal that was led by Mitch McConnell (and abetted by Lindsay Graham and others) who promised to not let a single bill pass by President Obama, during his entire tenure. Even as the Affordable Care Act was tested at the Supreme Court level (and passed) the GOP members of the House

You got a path to victory that involves something that Trump will not control by the midterms?

My snappy response would be to say as much as I believe in continual learning for the 21st century, I’m not the one who needs to pick up any additional insight here.