Constellation 2.0

Racism is not merely a simplistic hatred. It is, more often, broad sympathy toward some and broader skepticism toward others.

All these shithead Internet Tough Feminists, grey and otherwise, telling us how they’d never let themselves get in this situation.

Maybe it’s because we’re bored with rehashing European history when there are whole continents of fascinating stories.

White nationalism isn’t a “different point of view” that needs to be heard in the “marketplace of ideas.” We have been introduced and then reintroduced to this idea many times in the last few hundred years in this country, and have found it wanting.

Here’s the thing: the British rag and the editor at the American equivalent who decided to amplify this weren’t trying to shame actors or working people.  This was an attempt to pile on to the racist stereotype of the rich black man who blows all his money.  Everyone who’s been an actor or in an equally uncertain

As a gym fan, let me just explain something to y’all -

It’s also a boxful of lies, since it’s well known that POC have to be at least four times as qualified as white people of otherwise equivalent demographics to even GET the interviews for some jobs ... and they are regularly, systematically screened out of those processes prior to the interviewing process in many cases

Fired!?  They should be charged with manslaughter if it can be proved their negligence led to her death. 

Not getting beaten or raped is a right. Sex workers can not exercise that right as they will just get arrested for sex work if they report it. So no, sex workers don’t get the same rights as other humans because of our laws.

This isn’t a competition, and it is sad that you are trying to make it into one.

I am half white and half Chinese. I look more white/ambiguous and I recognize this as a major aspect of unearned privilege. I cannot deny the good feeling I feel when people tell me that they think I am Latino or some sort of periphereal European person. I used to feel guilty about that, but I now reflect more upon

Women of colour face a disproportionate burden in presentation. Young women in particular learning to navigate where and how locks or natural hair can be appropriate, where straightening is a requirement, can be really critical information. No WoC can just focus on her education and career without working to present

“Calling the police is the epitome of escalation, and calling the police on black people for noncrimes is a step away from asking for a tax-funded beatdown, if not an execution.”

I figured out why it feels gross, that I wasn’t able to articulate before. It feels like when conservatives go on about Muslim and women’s rights. They don’t give a shit about women, they just want to use it to attack Muslims and point out supposed liberal hypocrisy. This feels similar. They don’t want to stick up for

For the commenters losing their damn minds: Let’s discuss intersectionality.

I appreciate the comment, but I don’t particularly enjoy discussions with someone who refuses to see the point or who has perhaps misdirected their frustration (whatever it is, because I still don’t really see the point you’re trying to make).

I … this is the problem, to me, with extreme pride bordering on hubris about being and working as a hardcore left-brained person. All too often in those cases, people like that are only working with one half of the brain.

Sorry, no, this is absolute horseshit.

Well ... society is composed of individuals. If you claim to care I’m not sure you can pass the buck like that. There is plenty you can do.

Look at the message the NFL sent Kaepernick and others: if you express a political opinion we don’t like