Has anyone just missed being intimate with someone? Not necessarily sex, but sleeping with someone, kissing, going out?
Has anyone just missed being intimate with someone? Not necessarily sex, but sleeping with someone, kissing, going out?
OMG, I didn't know he was her husband. That is one sexy man!!
Co-signed! MadameNoir is the worst!
I do! I can just hear the "Bitch, what?!"
Happy Birthday!!
Guess who I just saw tonight: Angela Davis! Yeah, pretty awesome. She spoke at a conference at my alma mater and was super radical...and I loved it. And I got my photo with her. I'm super cheesing.
OMG! I thought I was a crazy person for having this problem. Whenever I say something stupid, the scenario just plays over and over and over in my head. And a ton of 'what ifs' and I feel embarrassed all over again. Ugh, if anyone knows how to overcome this, please, be my guest.
My man, my dude, I don't use those terms but I've heard them around. I just say boyfriend...
Get sum!
....and hearted <3
I always pee standing up while in public spaces. My mom always told me to and I just kept on. However, I never want to pee in a women's urinal. Ever. My imagination is too wild and I'm about to vomit thinking of the horrors I might see where this to catch on. (or the horrors other may see of me) Yeah, I'll pass.…
That was nicely put. I wholeheartedly agree!
Haha! I'm one of the crazy ABG fans who stayed up until 4am waiting for them to put up the finale. (If you're an irrational fan, you know exactly what I'm talking about) Love the series. #TeamWhiteJay all day err'day
ACTUALLY, it's grape DRANK.
I think it's incredible that she was able to join Britain's Royal Airforce that early into the 1900s. I'm not really familiar with British Women's History though, was this normal? Or was she an anomaly?
For some reason this is really getting to me. Like wtf? Will it ever end? When are black women going to be recognized in the media for the many things we do that don't involve being a (basketball, football, hip-hop, house)wife, sass-mouth, or mammy caricature? Seriously. What the fuck?
I find this to be incredibly unnecessary. If you have a job and there is one thing each year you strive for in said job, I don't think it's unreasonable to want it every single year regardless of it it's going to make you rich or not. And I'm not super religious but I do believe in God, probably the same God they…
omg, i'm sharing this on facebook STAT!
Am I the only weirdo who scrolls through the open thread to see if anyone else has the same issues I have and read the advice Jezzie's post? Nobody? Anybody? Nope. Confirmed: I'm a loser. LOL
I don't get it. I has a sad.