naive indeed...haha
naive indeed...haha
so a woman cannot rape a woman then. ok, got it.
Ever heard of Genarlow Wilson? 17-year old high school senior in GA with a promising collegiate football career sentenced to 10 years in prison for having oral sex with a 15-year old sophomore. Served 2 of those years. Caused a shit storm in GA.
I love you so much for this. Hearted.
Happy Sunday Jezzies!
But if they do cast a dark skinned romantic lead, the only beautiful dark skinned woman in the entertainment industry is Gabrielle Union. Clearly.
The usage of 'they' is for the women who claim that Jezebel focuses too much on black women.
The 'they' I am referring to are the people who are complaining that Jezebel is focusing on black women. So, how is that offensive? What should I refer to them as? Should I insert 'the women who say Jezebel focuses too much on black women issues' instead of 'they' so it would be clearer?
Sometimes I'm unsure about what they actually come to Jezebel to read? Like wtf? What do you want to read?! You're on a site FOR WOMEN and yes, that includes BLACK WOMEN!!! And I bet if there was nothing discussed about black women, people would be up in arms like "there's no representation, even on a FEMINIST…
Yes! The voices are perfect, and the facial expressions are priceless. The writers, artists, and casting directors did a kick ass job with this one.
I love the Lana/ Archer rivalry/love affair! Daaaaanggggeeerrr Zoonnnnnnneeee!
Does anyone watch Archer? I'm addicted to that ish!
As of Tuesday I will be teaching at an elementary school. Deferred grad school so that I can do something worthwhile and save a little money. Hope the kids don't give me hell lol
Happy Saturday Jezzies!
A short personal anecdote. I had sex with my current boyfriend before we even got in a relationship while we were in college. I definitely was not a virgin, I had been sexing it up for years. (hence my name) It was VERY awkward, and he even told me I should put the condom on because "the girl always does it for him."…
Oh wow! That is a heartbreaking story. I couldn't imagine losing someone I cared about so much at such a young age. It's great to see you still have such fond memories of him and the two of you together.
Okay, so how is the grandfather of Joseph Kennedy III named Robert? Was his father named after an uncle or something like that? I don't really know about the whole family name business. *clearly
And for some strange reason I cannot reply to thetruestfaith down thread so I'll post here:
That's not cool at all. I understand no one is obligated to give money to charity, but to mask something as a "charity auction" and only 10% is going to charity, that is EXTREMELY misleading. I'm just thinking back to a charity date auction we had my sophomore year of college. There is no way in HELL I would've paid…