
meh, the industries for which it actually matters have been using metric for decades anyway (except for lockheed on that mars orbiter, apparently)

the bears have sucked shit for so long and bears fans seem to pin all of that on the fact that cutler got paid appropriately

sounds great. i assume you’ll be deciding what’s “unnecessary,” “not essential to the operation of the federal government,” and which laws “don’t need to exist”?

on an e46 (and earlier/saner bmws) it’s just pull the battery, throw in new one, tighten everything

starred for luciownage

most university athletics programs are “government institutions” the same way mar-a-lago is the “white house”

citation needed

it was probably that damn sasquatch

*knowing look* *touches tip of nose with index finger* *fires up four story tall Jon Bong Jovi*

uhhh there’s tons and tons and tons of direct data on tunneling. we’ve been doing it for a long time and it’s pretty well figured out, actually. the hangups with tunneling, as suggested by the above article, aren’t technological, they’re typically regulatory—digging a hole underneath civilization requires the checking

we already know how to make gigantic tunnel boring machines, musk is just playing in a huge sandbox in his (company’s) backyard

musk didn’t develop paypal, his company merged with and took over the company that developed it

yes, elon musk personally did all those things

crazy stuff!

really? i’d be fascinated to hear more... i adopted a dog here in DC back in november, and the rescue organization said she came from pickens county

i really hope it’s not, but that’s the way the game works. play the game, get rewarded.

my point u no can read or rite

99.999% of them aren’t standing up for anything. just like under the gw bush administration, they’ll make a bunch of noise for years on end, screw up 95% of coverage, then spend a few years patting themselves on the back for the 5% they got right and explaining there’s no way they could have saved the rest.

don’t take this the wrong way but you don’t seem to have the critical thinking faculties to really get anything out of this topic; i don’t know if you’re high or 11 or both, but stop.

he’s being one of those weird internet people that will go on for thousands of words about how just because they’re attracted to 13 year old children they’re ABSOLUTELY NOT a pedophile—i.e., obfuscating with semantics separating “pedophile”/”hebophile”/”ephebophile”