FYI the vast majority of Maryland, and US, power generation is non-renewable.
FYI the vast majority of Maryland, and US, power generation is non-renewable.
Trump will win the nomination, and he’s going to get absolutely spanked by either Democrat.
Agreed. Trump is all kinds of bad, but I can... “appreciate” him in a certain way because the idiotic things he bleats out are actually pretty much just the GOP platform: fuck the non-rich, non-male, and non-white.
Neither has pretty much everyone in the US that actually watches racing. Who do they expect to pay attention to this? Even Formula E barely scrapes by.
I’m with you. Looks like lots of unnecessary skin friction to me. This seems like one of those situations where an industrial designer barfed up something cool-looking and then engineers have to come in to make it actually function.
Oh cool, you’ve seen specs on the Model 3?
Maryland’s power generation is about 18% coal FYI
Solid, solid burn. All the stars for you.
Good question! But I’m really, really hoping that the orgasm part isn’t true.....
Oh, so NOx is fine?
I’m betting that’s why she’s resigning.
Well the good governor was only married to one woman, so obviously everything he did is ok!
Oral Turditude
It’s almost like 40 times the legal limit of anything toxic is pretty bad and that lead is an easy shorthand!!!
That guy is just pissed he can’t scream the N-word at Packers games the entire game instead of just most of the game.
The “safe limit” and “legal limit” are, unfortunately, not the same.
I agree with you and think it’s reprehensible. I plan on continuing to hate Chuck Johnson though.
You should get a V10 TDI and keep a running tally to see whether it’s more expensive to keep running than the Aston.
Seconding that comment. When I come to check Jalopnik it’s always to see if you’ve posted anything recently.
Yeah. Sure, the motorcycles appear to be riding like idiots. The bigger idiot in this video is in a uniform, though.