Fine, but your post was about how the P85D is better for the average M/AMG/RS buyer, and how its only disadvantage is range. Subjective factors matter a lot for most buyers, especially those dropping $100k+.
Fine, but your post was about how the P85D is better for the average M/AMG/RS buyer, and how its only disadvantage is range. Subjective factors matter a lot for most buyers, especially those dropping $100k+.
Just guessing, but I'd expect the regenerative braking system does a lot of the work, allowing them to use smaller rotors.
The only disadvantage? I like Teslas, but as compared to AMG/M/RS cars, there's a huge list of other disadvantages depending on the buyer's wants, and not just ring times. Interior and exterior styling, for one.
...and a car that doesn't look like an Accord banged a Mazda 6.
You'll never get more than a new car out of it, and you'd be lucky to even get that.
I live in Northern Virginia, inside the beltway. Trust me, this law does not prevent traffic here from traveling at 80+ when the roads allow. However, traffic here rarely allows for it.
Maybe he expected the larger 3 to have more legroom? That seemed to be obvious from the comment...
Inside, you get launch control and a choice of dial-operated setting including Sport, Sport+, Track and Quiet modes. The latter is exciting because what the new NSX needs to be the most apart from a superbly balanced driving experience is your new everyday supercar. There are people out there who don't want a 911…
This looks cool, but did anyone buy the Subaru Baja? Is that what their recent car-truck was called?
You don't think it's a bit early to say this will be a cheap 918?
Hahahaha, you must live in the DC area if you think anyone a few years out of college is pulling >$100k per year or else they're in a "shit job"
I can't wait for that M4 owner guy from the earlier post to start defending this dude again.
Yeah, explaining in 1000 words that you wrecked your car because "acceleration occurred" and your tires were 1.5 psi different is definitely taking the blame like a big boy.
You can't seriously believe mobile device makers will (or even should) standardize every mobile device based on what automakers think is a good cradle design. Right?
love it. never change plz ~~~
"Stepping aside from the mind-blowing precedent the judge would set; nothing a judge does can't be appealed. My prediction, he rules for GM and leaves the legal-high-wire act (and its associated penalties for failure) to the party making the motion." This is some quality legal-word salad.
The ownage is strong with this one.
Haha, where are all these 2000 lb economy cars you're referring to? Practically everything on the road is 3500+ now, but yeah, keep screaming about those SUPER HEAVY Priuses that weigh less than a Camry.
I dunno, the NFL is full of warm bodies cashing paychecks. People keep paying Norv Turner.
Which makes sense if you think about it. They have to reinforce the car longitudinally without the benefit of a roof.