Consider Me

Eramo should get Hulk Hogan’s attorneys. I hear they’ve been killing it recently.

This whole thing is really getting blown way out of proportion, he clearly meant that there weren’t women during the time when he was a young reporter that inspired him... considering we lowly women weren’t allowed to do much in the way of serious reporting, I don’t see why this was such a horrible answer.

Every time a story like this breaks I think I understand why people score poorly on standardized tests. Reading comprehension matters. There is a giant difference between saying “I was not inspired by women writers when I was young” and “I do not find women writers inspirational.” Talese never said the latter, no

This is one of things where I’m like “I don’t think you get it.” Why should he fuck himself that he wasn’t influenced by female journalists in the 1940s and 1950s when he was coming up? He didn’t make that culture and it’s an objective truth that journalism, especially the kind that he practiced (and which he is

I don’t understand the outrage here.

The superdelegate process is voter suppression.

I’ll give you a star since I know how hard it is to put forward an unpopular but reasonable answer in this website of unrelenting anger.

The great film critics Siskel and Ebert suggested the use of an A rating for adult themed films that weren’t pornographic, because the term ‘XXX porn film’ was considered sleazy and shady; adult, on the other hand, just referred to a film with mature themes.

You should have known better to try and have a real discussion here. Is this your first time on Jezebel (aka,

We all eat girl. bwahaha. ;) ;)

ok, serious question: If she was, in fact, a porn star, in what way is it slut-shaming for a news article about her to mention it?

It kinda sounds like she is embellishing things a bit tho. I totally believe her claim, but Sony wouldn’t publicly say she is free to work with whoever if that was false.

You mean being accused is not enough. And that, is reasonable.

You’re not.

He’s an 84 year old white man whose heyday was the 1960's.

Not really, though? It’s a genre distinction.

A big issue I see with these quick news cycles is there is almost no punishment when news sites/blogs get it wrong.

Honestly, gossip is still gossip.