Consider Me

She’s not plus sized by any real life measures, but she *is* plus sized by Hollywood standards, where size zero still seems to be the norm.

Are you the official Gawker gatekeeper? Funny, considering you’re still in the greys.

Show me! Someone in the audience shouted the name of Joan Didion. That was it.

He was not! No one asked him, whether writer A everinspired him. He was asked about female writers as an influence as he was coming up, in the late 40s, 50s and 60s when he finally had his breakthrough and he made that clear in his clarification

I said theere would be no “damage control ‘Woke Bae’ campaign” as was predicted in the original article and I was right. He didn’t take back anything, why would he? He clarified his remarks for the less than proficient readers among us and then probably took a nap.

He didn’t walk back anything. He answered to question ‘A’ and not to question ‘B’. He made it clear, that his answer to question ‘B’ would have been different than the one he gave to question ‘A’. End of story.

They are used in the same fucking sentence cuz they didn’t want to be repetitive. That’s why they call her both porn star and adult actress in the same article!!

They aren’t consistent throughout the whole article, calling her and her female co-workers both porn star and adult actress. Sheesh, just read the fucking article!

In the article, they call Rayne both porn star and adult actress. They also describe some of her female co-workers as adult actresses.

Is this wrong? That’s pretty much exactly what would have happened.

Read the DM article and you will find, that it uses porn star, as well as adult actress and porn actress to describe Rayne and someof her co-workers.

The commnets suggest, ‘porn star’ is used to demean women in the business, the google results prove, that the term is arbitrarily used for both men and women.

“the more prefesional sounding term”

Have you actually read the Daily Mail article? They use both porn star as well as adult actress or porn actress to describe her and some of her co-workers in the article. It’s almost, as if they used different terms for her and other actors to not sound repetitive. Have you ever considered this? Nah, it would go

Right out of the cannibal cookbook- 20 girl recipes

That’s exactly what I got out of it. She was qualified as a star, while he’s a mere performer. That, incidentally also describes the roles of women and men in the adult industry, including the sizable pay gap in favor of the female performers.

Google notwithstanding, meaning you simply ignore the fact, that porn star vs adult performer isn’t used as a genderd term in the media to denigrate actresses in the adult business, cuz it’s equally used to describe male or female performers?

While Star has a much more positive connotation than actress or performer, wouldn’t you say so? If they had gone with one or the other, it would have said ‘Adult actress who accused adult actor James Deene of rape...’. Bad writing style, imo.

If Deen had been described as a ‘star’ and Rayne as a ‘performer’, the outrage would have been even stronger.

Sine ‘porn’ and ‘adult business/industry’ are also used interchangeable, what exactly is the negative connotation of ‘star’ vs ‘actor/actress’? It’s obvious, that ‘adult actor’ is different from mainstream actor, since the former is always qualified by ‘adult’ while the latter doesn’t need to be qualified as