Consider Me

Why should they fire anyone? The ‘10' is supposed to be a man, since he is warned to buy expensive drinks to foreign hotties who might scam him. I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume, that in most cases, men buy drinks for women they meet at a bar, not the other way around.

Not a “10” in the US? Then not a 10 overseas. Beware of being lured into buying expensive drinks or worse—being robbed.

Meet your mate online and now he needs you to send him money overseas?

I bet you were outraged back then and wanted him to resign/being impeached

If you don’t get, that his teammates will never trust him with anything again, bc they know, that he is capable of secretly taping a *private* conversation and leaking it to the public about an issue that neither he nor the team are part of, then you are clearly not of this world. Do you honestly believe, that Russell

So it’s up to you to decide what is or isn’t morally reprehensible and therefore should be made known to the world or not and you are obviously completely dumbfounded about the fact, that the social group you’re part of (family, team, co-workers, classmates etc) might avoid you like the plague, bc you, as the superior

Let me put it this way - has there ever been a all-white cast and your first thought wasn’t *racial discrimination* but *awesome cast of white actors who just turned out to be the best talent available*? Yeah, didn’t think so.

They’re at least equally untrustworthy. At least.

You’re not doing yourself a favor by trying to rationalize your racial prejudice. You lost me at the insinuation, that there is a simple way of singing (for whites) as in Rent and a reeeaaaallly difficult, skillfull way of singing (for awesome POC only). Do you have the slightest idea how much singing, dancing and

That’s a lazy excuse that every racist has used in the past, like *I don’t want black people in my restaurant, but there are plenty of other restaurants, so, no biggie!*

Where are those casting notices? Care to give an example? Any all-white casting call would certainly lead to a slam dunk discrimination lawsuit. White-cast only could only apply to historical characters.

I just assumed they couldn’t find any white actors with a diverse enough repertoire to have the skills for this kind of show and the actors they got were the best.