Ben Crowe

At this point in the game, whether 1% of this shit is true or not, the mere fact that these rumors are floating about are turning the entire new “Top Gear” into a farce.. I tried to be neutral because I know nothing of him, but seriously.. However the generally douche-bag feeling about Chris Evans’ is becoming tougher

I fail to understand why Jalops want this show to fail so badly. I mean I get that our guys are out, and it’s kind of a case of “meet your new step-dad,” but honestly can’t we move past that? Top Gear is the one thing that not only has united all Jalops, but has even forged a bond between normal people and us greasy

I do a lot of motorsports photography, signed craploads of waivers, etc. When you’re shooting, it’s really easy to get target fixation - you’re getting a great shot, then all of the sudden it’s “Oh shit!”... that said, the rally’s I’ve shot require the photographer to have a spotter just for situations like this...

Depending on how close cars got to him maybe both?

At least they’re on the inside of the turn...

Well... apparently you had 20 seconds to complain about the 14 seconds you lost. So in hindsight maybe you did have 14 seconds to waste.

Evans owes Kubica a drink

I heard you like b pillars, so we put a b pillar in your b pillar.

Red Bull’s (relevant af) response.

Amen brother.

In related news, I would like to be the first to congratulate Mercedes and Lewis Hamilton for locking in the World Constructors and Drivers championship until 2020.

I root for pretty much everyone’s engines to explode just for the drama

What I want to know is wtf kind of lawnmowers some of y'all are using - because none of mine ever made the noises these F1 cars are making.

With people repeatedly suggesting desparate things like refueling to increase F1's appeal, I’d say the V6 engines are just a symptom of a much larger problem. If they can at least stabilize that part of the disease, maybe they can figure out a cure for Bernie Ecclestone.

I don’t think the V6's are that bad. No they’re not a screaming V10, but some of the noises they make are pretty wild. The Honda engine, as bad as it was, made some pretty neat burps and sputters before it exploded half way through the race.

I pretty much spend my whole life between stages. :)

Yeah besides:

Certainly hard to say these are the best drivers in the world when they have to pay $50m to drive. Wonder what Fangio would have to pay today for a seat in F1.

Well he’s gonna learn awfully fast.