Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Steve Smith took to Twitter last night to briefly share his take on proper elevator…
Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Steve Smith took to Twitter last night to briefly share his take on proper elevator…
No one wants you here, continue being poor in whatever 3rd world shithole you currently reside USA USA
Christmas in June/July is a real thing this year.
I am planning my lunch break so that I can see the kick off. I plan on getting off my ass only as many times as I need a beer this weekend.
Want to watch the World Cup? We're here to provide you with the ultimate, comprehensive guide to watching every…
A's outfielder Josh Reddick has decided to start using George Michael's "Careless Whisper" as his walk-up song, and…
As a LFC supporter, I can only hope the brothers across Stanley Park put in a full 90 against city.
[enters 'was there a prenup?' into ask russell app]
It figures that Brazilians would want a totally clean airspace.
The Colby College basketball team is probably not a thing that the residents of Waterville, Maine, need to go out…
It's the regulatory equivalent of throwing batteries at a player.
This is gonna be super on point when Belichick shoots Wes Welker with a crossbow after the game.
I heard that he's also not allowed into BBWAA's official AOL chat room. They take shit like this very seriously.
When reached for comment about his promotion, Darke said "Oh, it's incredible! You could not write a script like this"