
I weep for humanity.

Hey. Hey. Hey

Well done ma'am.

Thats why I said one. I had no idea what the other one was. But hey, it's an Infinity so now I know!

I knew one was a Chrysler because it had an analog clock.

The only thing I don't like about my 50" Viera from a few years ago is the size of the bezel, and I deal with that just fine by ignoring it.

I generally don't think of 'wing' and 'non-critical' in the same sentence. That said, I don't know anything about anything. So...there is that.

I couldn't resist!

yeah, right. more like 96%. get it right.

First off, fuck those guys.


I can hardly even figure out what is going on in that Twitter feed.


I'll take one Rocky Road, please!

This whole family is Fordfan. My wife may have been forced into it but I don't hear her complaining.

That horrifically creepy yogurt kid really disgusts me. I can't even look at the picture there, because it sickens me.

No kidding! I hate it when people do that.

Is it weird that any reasoning I would have had about taking a car back in time would have been so they could work on reverse engineering it so we would be just that much more advanced in this time? The 2013 Shelby would be more like, I don't know, 1200 HP.

I honestly believe that this is something I would understand if I was high. The next morning, I would try, but fail to even remember my thought process.

awesome, thank you!