
All work and no play...

What I want to know is if these vitamin supplements are actually real vitamins as they are vastly unregulated by the FDA. Am I really taking vitamins, or do I think I'm taking vitamins? Other than that, I do take a daily multivitamin and 5000 IU of Vitamin D daily.

HA HA HA HA!! I literally cannot believe how blind I was there for a second. It's not like there was anything DISTRACTING in that picture there. I didn't even realize that there were words in this picture except for something like CCX written on some panties there on that chick there who I thought was definitely

is that Jessica Alba?

The files are IN the computer!

To any of my exes: Please give me the Garmin. My Forerunner 305 is fine, but I like new things.

Ice 101 is truly horrifying.


Ditto. It got better for me eventually. The doctor described it to my wife as a sort of 'guitar string' like feeling (I assume having no idea what a guitar string feels like) and ME as a guitar player saying WHAAAAAAA? Those small strings just slide right into my fingers and draw blood, so I told my wife that this

I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna FALL ASLEEP!

This is about as awesome as when procedural crime dramas make up shit for texting/sexting phrases.

Fucking. Autoplay.


That is frikkin adorable. Now I know why my dog lays around all day!


I uninstalled Flash on my all my Macs and opted in to the HTML5 Youtube beta, and that takes care of almost all of the things I want to look at. If there is something that I want to see that is only Flash related, I use Chrome.

Yes, I won't sit on anything else.

So...maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I wanted to test this out, and after making the smart playlist the way shown here I looked for some 'messed up' versions of songs (songs that have digital screwups or skips from shitty CDs) and deleted them and re-downloaded them. They downloaded back with the same fuck-ups,

God, I love Wes' write-ups. Please stay forever? Thanks.

ha ha! thanks, and yeah I did, I tried Chrome and it finally let me!! WooHoo!