
If I married my college boyfriend, let me tell you, I would be in a very, very, very different place right now. Shockingly, I focused on school and my career during my 20s and somehow found a husband who would marry my withered uterus at the vile age of 29, after I've established a career that has afforded us many

"I'm troubled," Detroit Police Chief James Craig said. "Certainly, this is the type of criminal misconduct that should never happen by any member of this department, or any department for that matter."

Something is going to break. I don't know where. I don't know how. I want a social revolution. Women rioting in the streets.

Rape culture is bad enough. Being assaulted by those who are sworn to protect and serve? I demand blood.

Because lesbians can be Christians too?

At least we can finally answer the question Bikini Kill asked so many years ago..."Thurston hearts the who?"

I'm standing my ground on my statement, which I feel confident about because I'm white.

You can only stand your ground if you're white. Read the fine print before you shoot!

I love anything set to Benny Hill. I'd laugh at a funeral set to Benny Hill.

What does her nipple being shown have to do with anything? It's a fucking nipple.