Directly after I successfully defended my thesis, I went right over to Best Buy and purchased Bloodborne. Most satisfying few weeks of gaming I ever had, having that thesis burden off my plate and a great game to take its place.
Directly after I successfully defended my thesis, I went right over to Best Buy and purchased Bloodborne. Most satisfying few weeks of gaming I ever had, having that thesis burden off my plate and a great game to take its place.
I’m more upset by the fact that they didn’t go with “Uncle Drewniverse.” RIGHT THERE, LOU.
I’ll be sure to tell my children not to walk your way.
Girl dated BRETT RATNER and her coach who was also not yet divorced at the time. This is not bad at all.
God, he is ugly
Guys, stop flagging Samer’s comments. I’m not going to ban him.
Jose Fernandez continues to be one of the most delightful baseball players in the game right now.
Goose Gossage: “In my day we kept the japs in internment camps and the Cubans on their commie island where they can all lollygag around, smiling and pretend to play real baseball. We throw good old fashion fastballs here in america. None of this fruity off speed stuff. And if you think otherwise or you’re a minority…
This is the first Eddie match I’ve watched since he died (too many feelings) and I choose correctly, thanks guys! But, christ, if we can ignore the terribly misogynistic announcing (not JUST by Jerry Lawler, I hear you good ol’ JR), this was a fucking highlight of my childhood where I knew as a (pretty ugly little…
“What if there are just no Browns”
Yeah. No one is excited. Because the last Bill Simmons-ran website was so shitty. At least that’s what Deadspin tells me and my opinion is always Deadspin’s.
Since Grantland is done, why don't you get The Masked Man back here?
Word. Tired of the narrative of “Denver doesn’t stand a chance.” Granted, I wasn’t so sure myself, but Von Miller and Demarcus Ware.
Oh no! All you Peyton-haters have been using that shit against him for years. Now he has the second ring to go along with every QB record in history. When he dies....bury him face down so you can all kiss his ass!
Would you believe that they faced Roethlisberger, Brady and Newton in three consecutive games and only gave up 1 passing game TD?!?!
You bash Cam Newton yet feel bad for Josh Norman who’s a much bigger shit talker than Cam? That doesn’t make much sense.
Still waiting to see the last play, CBS.
“That’s myyyyyyyy wisssssh!”
Wow....he hid that side of himself well. Who saw that coming?