
Bloodborne, hands down. If that were unavailable for some reason, Soma. 

Yeah, the video’s description says something along the lines of “season one debuts on February 7", so no idea what all will be covered, but it won’t be the entire line smushed into a limited run. 

Bloodborne, because after the past three-plus years, I’d much rather believe this is all the doing of cosmic entities beyond our comprehension.

Bloodborne, because after the past three-plus years, I’d much rather believe this is all the doing of cosmic entities beyond our comprehension. 

Must be hard having skin so thin that the opinion of some rando college student has just compleeeeeeeeeeeeetely ruined her day.

“Sorry, you’re breaking up” - still hilarious. Also, Lauren’s eye shadow is on theme, too! <3 

Team cuts a dude because he opted to get a surgery that was preventing him from playing at 100%, in order to be able to play at 100% for said team in the future. Man, that whole front office can get fucked. And, why not, Adam Gase, too. 

What is that hat?

It threw me off guard seeing Black Sabbath on the list of “classic rock”. I’m not mad, just surprised. Also, Cream is way too low and Steely Dan is way too high. Just my opinions - solid list all told, though! 

So, what constitutes a “generation” in football? Five years? Ten? Because Donald is only two years younger than JJ Watt and he was called the greatest defensive player of HIS generation... I just have no idea when that was supposed to be. Or, for that matter, what the line of demarcation is on this sorta thing.

It wasn’t Houston’s last out - the game was tied. 

He’s young and raw, but Lamar Jackson sure as hell is fun to watch. Russell Wilson and Deshaun Watson are pretty fun, too. I mean, they’re no Andy Dalton, but they’re awesome to watch. 

Thankfully, they were able to start pondering next season’s Tomahawk Chop policies and procedures after, roughly, 15 minutes of gameplay.

Imagine being so frail that someone’s hair could make you not want to watch football. Even for white folks, that’s wild.

Amazing that Trump sees them as an enemy when he and Xi Jinping are equally petulant and petty. Morey deserves a raise and Frittata deserves a backbone because it has to be difficult for a spineless piece of shit to go about human activities on a daily basis.

If you say ‘If I’d wanted her, I would’ve taken her!’, you probably do not have the lady’s best interests in mind. You likely just did not want to lose a competition.  

That’s certainly was a take. Woof. 

“The one nightmare I’ve had for the last month is seeing her lying on her back,”

What kinda paste are we talking here?

Are we not doing phrasing anymore?