
How exactly does Tom Cruise give back to his fans?

First Kyle transfers. Then Kyler is considering transferring. If Kylest goes, it’ll be really bad.

Looks like Rob is taking some time for himself this fall and visiting all of his coaching buddies around the league. Seems like a smart strategy, after all finding free clothes that fit his frame can’t be easy.

I’ve seen Rob Ryan coach defense. All of his gigs are temporary.

Barry, I hate to break it to you, but Tom Brady is not the reason Donald Trump is popular. Sad to say, Trump appeals to a great many people for all the wrong reasons.

Your argument is compelling.

It’s nearly impossible to make out what exactly is going on, but the fight ends with one guy getting thrown into a glass door and another guy knocked out on the sidewalk.

I hope you don’t mind that I read that in a number of thick British accents. I landed on Jeremy Clarkson, ultimately.

I love the people commenting on this, 90% of these clowns are the people who chant things like FTP but ran and called the cops when they got beat up in high school.

No posts on the black boy arrested for terrorist threats against whites in Chicago?

Actually “think” is the exact word to use. Obviously you were just being facetious, but the pro-gun groups have been done a great job of selling their agenda to the American people. They naturally have to “think” in order to do that.

I thought this was written by Albert Burnenko.

totally man. they’ll never win a super bowl after spygate, its been proven!

I think your answer is just “South Florida”

The Bitcoin Bowl which replaced the Beef ‘O’ Brady’s Bowl was far more absurd.

Nothing will ever top the Beef O’Brady’s Bowl (may it rest in peace). Nothing.

Not a day goes by that I forget the Eagles are coached by someone who could legally be referred to as Charlie Kelly.

Are we sure Peyton Manning has that ability? Austin Collie would like to have a word with you.

I like how you somehow got his movie in there +1

“That ain’t no fucking triangle. That’s a square.”