I don’t get this idea that a 30 hour experience isn’t worth $60 when people regularly spend $20 on a 2 hour movie.
What is worth 60 dollars?
So, then, you realize you just described the “Metroid” structure that’s part of that portmanteau, right? “Explore, find road block, explore elsewhere, find solution, go back.”
Giving you a new movement ability or skill later on, so you backtrack to reach new areas from previously visited areas, well... yeah, that is indeed basically the core mechanic of Metroid, and the author even mentions Metroid as a comparison. Yet I fail to see what the difference is here when compared to other…
Sounds to me like you just don't like the genre. It's fine, not everything has to be for you.
Total disagree. Even Crash Bandicoot 3 was smart enough to hold the double jump, but not for TOO long: beat the second boss, and you have it. This is akin to when Need for Speed: Most Wanted 2012 let you find every car in the game right from the start: it completely destroys any sense of progression and growth.
Meh, I get your complaint. But a ton of the fun I felt was going to Dathomir, thinking I had explored most of it, and finding out that after learning the double jump, there was a ton of the world I had yet to explore. It kinda helped keep the game interesting as opposed to letting me explore everything from the get…
“You people need to shut up about not having your needs met. MY needs are met, so you should be happy.”
Yes calling us stunted children is so mature, you sure showed me. Dude, I'm a Pokemon fan like all of you. I owned every gen, mystery dungeon, rumble, etc. I love the games and I want what's best for them and the fans, and all the other games were great. I just really don't want to spend $60 hard earned dollars on an…
This is a bad take. It’s cool that you’re pumped to see Jolteon and Hitmonlee and Rhydon roaming around the wild area. It is equally cool for someone to be upset that they don’t see Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Beedrill roaming around. I see a lot of these pieces that are framed like “Well you would never catch all 900+…
Sure, because when Smash bros brought all the characters back, the fans complained, when legend of zelda gave us one of the best open worlds in gaming, everyone complained.
According to this, yep.
Just popping in to remind everybody that Game Pass is currently the best deal in gaming.
Funny how you’re justifying domestic violence with “she started it.”
If she was throwing heavy/potentially damaging objects at him, then he should’ve called the police and gotten his children out of there. Reacting to someone chucking shit (assuming she was) with violence only escalates the situation.
Or did your…
Someone’s got a case of the Mundays...
Fuck off
Is it really a huge burst of content though? People played Overwatch for the pvp, what few pve events they ever had were just repetitive seasonal grinds. Kaplan announcing that they’ve been dragging their asses on releasing more pvp content that people bought the game for so they could focus on adding even more pve to…
It DOES matter because they imply different things. Why do you think we’re all here talking about it?