
I really don’t get why you’d have an issue with including multiplayer you don’t have to play. For companies this size multiplayer means they bring on a team to handle that. It’s not taking away from the rest of the game’s development.

Don’t be pedantic in hopes that it makes you look smart. It doesn’t. It makes you look like a “well, actually” douchebag. GuanoLad indeed.

Considering there’s someone who posts a comment like this EVERY TIME a speedrun article pops up that features glitches, no. You’re not. But plenty of us like it still.

Film is completely different from game animation. Game animation is interpolated from points in space, film is recorded at aliased frames. Apples and oranges mate.

Yes, going from 24fps to 48fps in film makes a huge difference.

You do NOT see the same effect in videogames. They’re fundamentally different media.

How the hell did you make this about “sexist comments”? It isn’t about that at all. The Dutch sources you use in your article make that perfectly clear.

But... they did actively not fight the other team so it is pacifist.

For the fucking love of whatever gods have sought fit to curse us all:

Man, I know it’s a Deadspin offshoot, but good on the guy! Good players lose two in a row all the time in card games and it sounds like he had the right attitude about the whole experience.

“Cassius Marsh is known for tackling ball carriers as a professional linebacker, but the Seattle Seahawk’s 6’4”, 245-pound frame recently proved entirely useless in the mental athletics of Magic: the Gathering.”

know what? - i’m really glad to see names from outside traditional geekery trying something inside geekery.

This is the most racist shit I’ve read in a long time. How can you possibly believe this is okay? That this is what is needed to move past racism? Fight racism with more racism - got it.

If you want evidence that Son of Baldwin was speaking about white people and not “bigots”, here is his response to a comment on 6/18 by “Jennifer”

I think your decision to not post a link to the Son of Baldwin piece is a good one, like your decision to not post videos of the behavior at Evergreen.

Is it standard procedure to open fire in a home filled with children?

Moonduck did a tournament series like this called Elimination Mode, where heroes who won in days prior were banned, and fans could vote on community bans as well. It was a really cool series, hoping they do more like it.

My friend and I requested tickets under a fake company name for the 98' E3 in Atlanta. We were both attending college in Florida. We kept it smart, and just called ourselves “Sales Associates” instead of “Company President”. We received the badges in the mail without any questions or delays. Attending E3 that year is

You know, I spent 6 years as frequent visitor to planner parenthood for sexual health reasons. And I can say with 100% certainty that you don’t have a damn clue what your talking about. At all.

I think it should be pointed out that the release date is a vague “early 2018", so there’s a good 7-12 months of development time ahead. Roughness should be expected this far from launch.

Just one question. Why are you helping these jerks make more money by linking and embedding their videos?