
I live in a 230k home, drive a 70k car, and own a business with 6 110k trucks. God, anonymity is great isn’t it?

Oooooh so you’re poor. I thought you were just salty, but you’re poor too. I got ya ;)

“I’m 12 years old and $60 a year on top of a sub is too much for my mom to pay.”

There will be an EXCEPTIONALLY small amount of PUGs that can successfully clear anything past the first 3 - 5 heroic bosses in NH, and even most of those will just have been premade or people that commonly run together but not in a guild. Also you do know there’s that whole mythic difficulty above heroic, right?

And Mei’s thing, apart from being a monster, is that she has what by video game standards you’d call a sturdy build, and which in the real world you would call a “healthy woman’s body”.

“ call a “healthy woman’s body”.” ugh no, do not perpetuate this feminazi stupidity. thats not a “healthy woman’s body,” it’s called being overweight.

Unfortunate, but shake the guys damn hand. He dealt with the same damage ratio that you did....

“I do think that games shouldn’t be “censored” in general”

Quick! Everyone start reprogramming your eproms!

Yeah gearboxtrouble. Listen to the Nom De Plume. It’s important to choose your words carefully. For instance, starting your point with “please think before you write” is the exact thing a dickbag would think is a good idea to put out there before they write it.

It feels like there’s a new first person horror game coming out every other week.

You don’t want to be on the plane with them? You get off the plane. Thankfully the flight attendants helped him understand that, because people tend to get a bit edgy about the possibility of someone acting like a total jackass at 30,000ft.

This kind of shit doesn’t help. Fucking with a lady and her kids just trying to

This is a demonstration of and promotion for a commercial product. This would be like saying Anheuser-Busch has too much time on their hands because they keep making those horse videos. 

I just don’t understand VR. When I get home from work and want to play a video game, I want to sit on my fat lazy butt with a controller in my hand and “veg out” in front of my monitor.

That control scheme does not sound intuitive. It sounds bad. Learning a bad control scheme to make a game work probably means the game isn’t very good.

Thank you Kristen and Michael for your keen and pithy observations. If I may, I would like to agree with Kristen on this one. Not only was this episode redolent of the ineffable quality that enraptured us with the vociferous trio, but it also managed to eschew the need for tawdry extravagance at the expense of

Not to be a negative nancy or a party pooper but this isn’t really anything “low poly”.

And with all the evidence you’ve provided to back up your claim that you know more about how Blizzard operates than the people that work there, we’d have to be fools NOT to believe you.

Or you could do the math here and see that it make sense and plays out.

how can you even find energy to be mad about something as stupid as this. it’s not a rpg or something, skins don’t matter.