
Yeah I think you’d struggle. Now that I know what I’m listening for I can spot it, but it’s definitely not super noticeable nor does it stick out much against the ambient noises/music.

I had one I couldn’t figure out, then another I could comfort easily and he came and joined the clan. Like most of the game it seems to be random and obtuse.

I love so much about the game, and have found myself oddly addicted to it - but it is absolutely obtuse to the point of infuriation. There’s tutorial pop ups for about half of what you’re meant to do, and then the other half is entirely unexplained. Even on the easiest difficulty (which means maximum UI and tutorials)

It’s an Epic store exclusive on PC. I imagine, as with their other exclusives, they were provided with a boat load of money to make that happen.

Every competitive game has a meta. Every single one. Complaining that the same hero pool is being picked is nonsensical if you’re watching a competitive e-sport. Even DOTA with its 100+ heroes and (typically) 100+ picked at The International sees the same 20-30 on a fairly regular basis.
I’m not sure how much attention

I don’t know if I’m missing a joke but purple and orange are a classic colour combination. The blue and neon yellow is much less successful though.

Going to ape the rest of the comments - I don’t know what you’re seeing here, that looks about as good as any long silver wig is possibly ever going to look, especially in the dirtier and close up shots. I think Cavill looks great, better than Ciri if anything. 

...what else are they going to talk about? You’re not a jerk, but it is an odd opinion. 

This anti “gamer” sentiment in the comments irks me. Not only is it nonsensical - “gamers” make up such an incredibly wide variety of people that trying to stereotype it as a group is just a bit daft to me - but this... is this really entitlement? A feature that was present in the games since release has been

You seem confused.

Freedom of Speech stops the government from restricting what you can say, it has nothing to do with what independent platforms (like Xbox) can stop you from saying. How can you fight so hard for a constitution that you intrinsically don’t understand? 

The real fun of these articles is always in the greys. The hoards of people bitching about their constitutional rights being taken away whilst not having a clue what those rights are is always hilarious.

The Eurogamer post quotes Creative Assembly. Where’s your evidence? 

What an odd thing to be so obnoxious about.

If you’re reading this article, you’re not the target market (probably). I don’t have data but I have to imagine Lynx is primarily sold to young teens who will absolutely not mind showering with Xbox branded gear, I know I wouldn’t have at that age (and I know I used Lynx at that age too).
Of course, eventually you

The people who purchase Lynx in the first place are exactly the type of people who will buy an Xbox branded shower gel.

MS owns a crapload of studios specifically because they spent the last year or two buying up a crapload of studios specifically to bolster their first party lineup.  They’ve definitely faltered on it this gen, but Spencer appears very aware of that and I don’t think it’ll be the same in the next cycle.

Are you intentionally missing the entire point of these products? It isn’t to give you a better burger, it’s to get meat eaters OFF meat burgers and onto something that is much less damaging to the planet (and turn a profit in the meantime). What an impossibly fucking selfish position you’ve taken.

No, it didn’t. It never did.

“Now, Microsoft is giving all Windows 10 users a quick and easy way to pause Windows Updates for seven days. Look for the option right on the Windows Update screen. You can’t miss it.” 

...they can all pause updates now, that’s literally the point made in the article.