Stratos HF

I had this experience at a local Honda dealer when I leased my first car out of college. I wanted a Ford Fusion (and I got X-Plan pricing from my company that did marketing work for Ford). Went to Ford on my own, explained my situation and had a saleswoman pull out a binder and give me their inventory and said “Pick

Says the fucking dumbass who can’t spell “stupid” correctly. Shut your useless trap and go deal with the shitty children you had by accident and attempt to raise them to be less of a shit-stain than you are.

I completely agree with this. Make Karen and her fucking kids uncomfortable enough so she calls her congressperson instead of 911 on a black guy walking down the block of her gated subdivision. 

Can I ask, what the hell is that car? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one before... 

God that is stupid cool. 

What does BJFJ mean? 

Rented a Fiat 500 Abarth Manual from a Hertz at a certain airport in the Tuscany area to drive with my significant other to Maranello for the day. I chose the 500 because it was the most affordable/cheap car that was also exciting I could rent, and in a manual.

Not all M-Cars, just the M2/M3/M4 based on demand. 

Where are you based? If you’re near by I could be convinced to lend a hand in this endeavor.

And please don’t put crappy music over said good quality audio!!!

Deal is no longer active. Cheapest option is now $38

Deal is no longer active. Cheapest option is now $38

I regularly drive my 1966 Mercedes 300se and occasionally drive my dad’s 1963 220se

This was entertaining enough I bothered logging in to Star.

This is my favorite automotive photograph I’ve ever taken. I just love this silly little detail and I’m sure it makes the owner of the car smile every time he shifts a gear.

Completely agree, I will bug Patrick next. But I just had to put it out there how hilarious this would be. I also am very entertained that Alissa recommended my post herself hahaha


You are the cock-juggling thunder-cunt that this article and LAW is about. Left lanes are for PASSING only unless it is a total traffic jam. Such as rush hour, which let’s be honest, the highway becomes like lord of the flies during. Your high and mighty attitude about speeding clogs up the roads and slows down

You’re probably not reading this, but I wanted to re-iterate how much of a douche canoe you and your dad sound like. The kind of scumbags who kick puppies for fun. That is all. Douche bag.

Your dad sounds like a real cunt.

Where is this magical place?